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Corvinus University of Budapest collects and shares all publications, PhD disstertations and theses produced by CUB students and staff in three repositories. All repositories are maintained by the University Library.

Corvinus Research

Corvinus Research Archive is the institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest. Corvinus Research Archive contains research produced by CUB staff, including journal articles, book chapters, books, working papers, conference papers and more.

Use the “Browse” functions above to look for items by year, subject or Department. For a quick search, use the search box above, for advanced search click on the Search menu.

Corvinus Ph.D. Dissertations

Here are the Ph.D. theses defended at the Corvinus University of Budapest to which the full text electronic versions were provided. These full text theses can be used – according to the Ph.D. regulations of the CUB – exclusively for teaching or research purposes and whenever quoted reference must be made to the original source.

Corvinus Theses

This digital archive gives a sample of theses accepted by Corvinus University of Budapest. The main objective of the service is to provide models and methodological guidance for students embarking on writing their thesis or any kind of research paper.

The electronic theses on this site are for the personal use of students, scholars and registered library users.

The language of most theses in this archive is Hungarian.

Digital Library of the History of Hungarian Academic Thought

The Digital Library of the History of Hungarian Academic Thought is available at the Library of Corvinus University of Budapest. It contains the digital version of books and journal articles that are considered significant in the history of Hungarian economic thought. Currently over 200 books and journals are accessible within the collection. The repository is constantly growing.

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