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MTA-BCE Social Epidemiology Research Group

The MTA-BCE Social Epidemiology Research Group wishes to continue the tradition established by Hungarian sociologist Rudolf Andorka. The Research Group was founded on 1 July 2019 with the support of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The project is financed for a period of five years. Aim of the project is to fill research gaps in order to reveal and understand the social patterns, characteristics, causes and interrelations of risk behaviours. In our view, a deeper understanding of these phenomena may help tackling the persistently poor health indicators experienced throughout the last decades in Hungary. We believe that it is essential to publish the results of our research, both on national and international scenes. Organizing conferences and professional discussions are also indispensable activities to us. We want to pay special attention to keep experts on risk behaviours and those interested in the field up-to-date about our activities. We provide students with an insight into the theoretical background and the practical part of the research through workshops. The Research Group is made up of sociologists with a broad knowledge on risk behaviours, including knowledge on closely related research areas and relevant research methods. You will find more on the Research Blocks here.

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