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University Library

SuperSearch – Catalogue – Journals and Ebooks

What do they contain, what are they good for?

SuperSearch is a web-scale discovery tool. Search can be done simultaneously in most of our scientific databases (check the database list for details), and in several other free scholarly sources. Besides, it contains printed books from the library collection, indexes two Corvinus repositories (Research Papers and PhD-dissertations). Although it finds specific documents, topic search is its strength. For an effective search, use keywords, apply search techniques, filter results. Most of the sources are in English. SuperSearch contains also non-fulltext documents, you can request them through ILL-service (link provided).

Catalogue: it contains the library’s physical collection, use it to find mainly specific printed books. Do not search articles here.

Journals and Ebooks: it contains subscribed and free, full-text journals (printed and electronic) and e-books. Use it to find a specific document, search for the title of the journal or e-book, even if you are looking for articles or book chapters.

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