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Education has started​

You’re taking a class at Gellért Campus and don’t know what the names of the cassrooms mean? Do you want to know the opening hours and the house rules? We have all the practical information you need.

The project in numbers

dormitory places
people can read in
the reading room
people can use the
Data Experience Lab
square metres of park
square metres of
educational space
square metres of
community space
square metres of
sports facilities
square meters of research,
development spaces

the future Campus has opened

In February 2024 opened the most sustainable building in the country, the Corvinus Gellért Campus. The aim of the development is to provide the University a future-oriented new campus with inspiring and innovative spaces that will be outstanding in the country. Important new features include a reading space for quiet contemplation and a data experience lab, a creative space for data visualisation for students and faculty interested in data science.The Campus will also provide a number of community spaces and sporting facilities that have been missing from the university’s life. In the dormitory 180 students can live in rooms with panorama view.The building is owned by the Maecenas Universitatis Corvini Foundation, which runs the University. The facilities are therefore provided by the Foundation, and the vision for the content of the development has been developed in partnership with the University.

Learn all about it!

As it was–as it will be

Move the slider left-right to see the initial and future appearance.

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New Project - 2023-04-11T143805.90203

The building

Corvinus University of Budapest

Unique concept

Corvinus University of Budapest
Corvinus University of Budapest
Corvinus University of Budapest
Corvinus University of Budapest
Corvinus University of Budapest


Questions and answers


The new Campus will not have a traditional library, but will offer reading rooms for quiet reflection, as well as individual and group study spaces. In addition, an important new feature of the Campus will be the “Data Space”, a creative hub for data analysis and data visualisation for students, lecturers and researchers interested in data science. 

On the Campus, learning spaces are rearrangeable, flexible, transparent – all designed to allow you to create together. The quality of the teaching technology in the majority of the rooms is such that there will be no disruption if you join the classes online. There will be a Makerspace, where you can collaboratively create physical objects, and the Data Space, where you can work on all things data in a world-class working environment. 

Students from the bachelor study programmes in Philosophy, Politics, Economy (PPE) and Data Science in Business, as well as students from some master-level study programmes, will study on the Campus every day, and some of the postgraduate  programmes will also be held here. In addition, a significant part of the courses of the University’s talent management programme, which is currently being developed, will also be held on the Campus. The decisive criterion for the selection of the study programmes was the extent to which the educational programme could make use of the infrastructure. 

Planning, construction

Yes, several kinds! The acoustic wall cladding made of recycled material that will be used in the learning spaces and the Litracon glass concrete counter in the entrance hall, a unique Hungarian innovation, are exciting. 

The Campus is and will be built and operated according to LEED Gold sustainability certification criteria, which is unique in  Hungarian higher education. The building  will also have an AA+ energy performance certificate. In practice, this means that the building’s energy system is based on solar panels and geothermal heat pumps, is extremely well insulated, but also takes into account issues such as ensuring that light pollution is not higher than necessary. 

The development consists of two parts: The content design is the responsibility of the University’s Inner World Project for the development of the Ménesi Campus. The members of the Project are appointed by the Presidential Committee. It involves the people who will occupy the Campus: students, lecturers and researchers, and colleagues responsible for some of the University’s strategic and operational tasks. The Project is also supported by a team of external experts. While the architectural development will turn into reality what the Inner World Project has envisioned . Students are full members of this group, so their views are taken into account in the design process. 

The building is located at 5 Ménesi út. The renovation will be completed in the spring semester of 2024. The new Campus also boasts a number of new features. In addition to the expansion of community spaces and dormitory services, the building will also offer opportunities to strengthen corporate relations, participate in international research and provide space for small group project work. The co-operative learning spaces will allow around 680 students to work simultaneously, and will also have a lecture theatre for around 300 students. The new Campus will be open to all students of the University. 

The community planning process involved those who will occupy the Campus in the future: students, lecturers and researchers, and colleagues responsible for some of the University’s strategic and operational tasks. An intensive series of workshops supported by external experts over six months resulted in a comprehensive campus vision and a professional programme, which formed the basis for the architectural development. 


The dormitory will have double and triple rooms with private bathrooms. 

Leisure, social life

Of course, the Campus building is open to all university citizens! 

The Campus will have a number of community spaces for students to use: for example, the lounge and garden for relaxing and unwinding, the project spaces for group work, or the reading room for in-depth study will all be available for students.   

Yes, sustainability was one of the most important aspects in the design of the Campus, so the role of the park surrounding the building was very important in the design. 

A key consideration in the design of the Sports Centre was to provide as much variety of sporting opportunities for as many students as possible, with a climbing wall in the pool body, a gym, exercise studios and an indoor sports court. 

About Campus

The building complex is located on the side of Gellért Hill, on a plot of land bordered by Ménesi út, Kelenhegyi köz and Mányoki út. The renovation will be completed in the spring semester of 2024. 

The Campus will feature multifunctional, collaborative learning spaces, project and incubation spaces, a data science creative space called Data Space, a Makerspace, four floors of community-oriented dormitories, a sports centre and a park. 

The total Campus area (excluding the surrounding park) is about half of building E on Fővám tér. The co-operative learning spaces will allow around 680 students to work simultaneously, and will also have a lecture theatre for around 300 students. The reading room will accommodate 50 students at a time, and the Data Space 40 students. The dormitory will have rooms with 2 and 3 beds and will accommodate 180 students. 

The Campus is owned by the Maecenas Universitatis Corvini Foundation, which managed the development of the campus for the University. The concept underlying the development was created by the University through community planning. 

The Campus is a 5-minute walk from Gárdonyi tér and a 7-minute walk from Móricz Zsigmond körtér, where several means of public transport (tram 47/49, metro 4 from Fővám tér) are available.  

There will be a minimum number of parking spaces on the Campus, with car parking available in the surrounding streets or in a car park 5 minutes’ walk from the Campus. 

In addition to traditional classroom-based educational functions, a space for creative collaborations, dedicated research and innovative projects with corporate partners will be provided. The Campus will also include a number of community spaces and sports facilities. 

It takes about 15-20 minutes by public transport from the buildings located in Pest, 25 minutes on foot and 10 minutes by bike. The timetables are designed to take into account the time needed to travel between the two buildings, and the ambition is for the Campus to be a “one-day” event. 

The building will house a canteen and catering facilities offering soup, sandwiches, salads. In addition, several coffee points will be available. 

The higher “crown”, which defines the upper level of Tower K,  the lamp installation in the entrance hall, inspired by the exchange rate diagrams, and the network control panel characteristic of the seventies in the Data Space. 

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