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Center for Collective Learning

Why are some countries rich and others poor?

How does the structure of an economy impact the environment?

How do economies enter new activities?

And how do disruptive technologies, such as artificial intelligence affect labor?

The Center for Collective Learning is an interdisciplinary research group based at the Corvinus University of Budapest and at the University of Toulouse exploring questions of economic complexity, city science, and organizational mapping

Our mission

The Center for Collective Learning team’s mission is to develop knowledge and tools enhancing our understanding of the spatial and temporal organization of knowledge.

At the CCL we use data science tools and machine learning techniques to understand the dynamics of knowledge in countries, cities, and firms. We focus on questions of economic complexity, city science, and organizational mapping, with expanding the topics as the Lab grows.

The lab is supported by a five-year European Research Area Chair (ERA Chair) award designed to increase the opportunities for Europe to attract and maintain talent.

The Team

Corvinus University of Budapest

César A. Hidalgo – Director of the CCL

The Center is led by Professor Cesar A. Hidalgo, a Chilean-Spanish-American scholar known for his contributions to economic complexity, data visualization, and applied artificial intelligence. He is the founding director of the Center for Collective Learning, and holder of the ERA Chair at the Corvinus University. Hidalgo also leads the Center for Collective Learning at the University of Toulouse (where he holds an ANITI Chair) and is an Honorary Professor at the University of Manchester’s Business School and a Visiting Professor at Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

Corvinus University of Budapest

Between 2010 and 2019 Hidalgo led MIT’s Collective Learning group. Prior to working at MIT, Hidalgo was a research fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government (HKS). He is also a founder of Datawheel, an award winning company with 10 years of experience in the creation of data distribution and visualization systems. He holds a PhD in Physics from the University of Notre Dame and a Bachelor in Physics from Universidad Católica de Chile.

“I am very excited for the opportunity to lead the CCL team at Corvinus exploring the boundaries of knowledge. Corvinus University is at the heart of a European city with one of the greatest cultural and scientific heritages. With Budapest history of data and network science Corvinus is an ideal  place for creativity, learning, entrepreneurship, and exploration.”

Hidalgo’s contributions have been recognized with numerous awards, including the 2018 Lagrange Prize and three Webby Awards. Hidalgo is also the author of dozens of peer-reviewed papers and of three books: Why Information Grows (Basic Books, 2015),  The Atlas of Economic Complexity (MIT Press, 2014), and How Humans Judge Machines (MIT Press, 2021).

Corvinus University of Budapest

Endre Borza – Data Engineer in the CCL at Corvinus

Endre is an economist and data engineer. He designs and builds tools to that help us open up opportunities in scale and complexity for our research.

Veronika Hamar – Executive Director of the CCL

Vera is a dedicated project manager with a background in International Business and Russian language. Leveraging her hands-on experience with both start-ups and IT projects, she is committed to driving the development of the Lab’s research initiatives. Her goal is to strengthen the bridge connecting policy makers, businesses, and the CCL team, fostering collaboration and innovation

Corvinus University of Budapest
Corvinus University of Budapest

Anita Király – Project Manager at the CCL

Anita has experience in the field of Sports Science and Medicine, and is currently a PhD candidate in Health Science. Being a devoted project manager, she believes that learning and development is a lifelong, sometimes challenging process. That is why she is enthusiastic, determined and committed to both personal and professional development. She utilizes her outstanding analytical, problem-solving, and organisational skills, as well as the ability to prioritise problems with attention to detail to support the management of the Center of Collective Learning.

“At the CCL we connect researchers, businesses and policy makers to bring us closer to a prosperous, fair and sustainable society.”

"The Laboratory on Data Science and Economic Complexity at Corvinus, led by Cesar Hidalgo, is continuing Budapest's legacy of thought leadership in the field of networks and complexity by bringing a new perspective to the study of economic systems. With the support of the thriving programs in network science at the Central European University and the Renyi Institute, this laboratory will play a crucial role in training the next generation of complexity-minded researchers."
László Barabási


Contact us

For more details about the CCL team’s work and for reading publications and finding videos of talks please visit:


Our Budapest office is located in the Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS)

Budapest, Közraktár u. 4-6. Corvinus Building C, Floor 7

You may write to us at: ccl(at)uni-corvinus.hu

For strategic cooperation please contact: Veronika Hamar at veronika.hamar(at)uni-corvinus.hu

Corvinus University of Budapest
Corvinus University of Budapest

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe ERA Chair programme under grant agreement No 101086712.

Disclaimer: The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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