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Thesis Proposal Discussion of Kadewandana Donie

„Collaboration in Anti-Corruption Action: Building A Collaborative Governance Model in Tackling Corruption in Indonesia"

The latest issue of Budapest Management Review, January 2025

The monthly published Budapest Management Review is one of the most significant journals in the field of business, management, and organizational studies in Hungary, with a history of 55 years, ranked in the best, “A” category by the Hungarian Academy of Science, one star on ABS List 2021. It is a general management journal, which includes studies on different aspects of organizations: structure, processes, and performance, and equally on cultural, behavioural, and technological subjects. Multidisciplinary research is highly valued and papers that draw on the perspective and theoretical background of sociology, psychology, economics, political science, or communicational studies – apart from that of business, management and organization science are also appreciated.

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