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Mono- and bilingual, general and specialized dictionaries.

Full-text journals on business, economics, management topics. It also offers industry overviews and profiles, product reviews, company and country reports, case studies, SWOT-analyses, etc.

Virtual library in the field of economics and business studies.

Full-text journals on accounting, Finance & Economics, Business, Management & Strategy, Marketing, Sociology, Tourism & Hospitality.

Full-text, open access, peer-reviewed journals representing all science area.

Well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment.

JSTOR – Full access Szuperkereső alatt elérhető jelzés

Multidisciplinary archive journal database with usually 1-5 years embargo.

Includes a selection in economics, business, finance, communication subjects from 1996.

Journals from SAGE Publisher. Titles are available from 1999.

Freedom collection gives access to the current and four previous years of content, representing all fields of science.

Economics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Political Science and International Relations, Social Sciences etc. Journals are accessible from 1997.

Main disciplines are: Business, Management & Economics, Politics, International Relations & Area Studies, Sociology & Related Disciplines.

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