Questions and answers
What does Double Degree mean? When can I apply? Is it possible to use the Double Degree Programme multiple times (during both the Bachelor’s and the Master’s programmes)?
Here are all the answers you would like to know!
What does Double Degree mean?
Double Degree Programmes allow students to complete a training programme offered by a foreign partner institution in parallel with a training programme at their own university, and this way to obtain two degrees at a time. The programme usually takes less time than doing the two programmes separately at the two universities. Depending on the programme, you will spend certain semesters abroad, where you have to complete given subjects. This is a great opportunity to gain international experience and get to know other cultures.
How to apply for it and what are the conditions?
Applications are accepted within the frames of the partial training programme. You have to register in Neptun by submitting an application, and that is when you should submit all the documents and certificates. You can expect a personal interview in January/February with the official responsible for the programme, who will decide whether or not you are eligible for participating in the Double Degree Programme. The key conditions are your average academic achievement, language skills and motivation.
What documents should I submit in advance?
Neptun application, motivation letter, certification of extracurricular activities (voluntary activities, competitions etc.) Please send the pdf version of the submitted application to the address before November 27.
Can Stipendium Hungaricum students apply?
Unfortunately students who receive the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship are not allowed to spend a semester abroad. Double degree is no exception.
When can I apply?
Applications are accepted on November 9-20
Is it easier to find a job at home or abroad with a degree from the Double Degree Programme? What advantages may a graduate of a Double Degree Programme have on the labour market? What does Double Degree mean at international level?
The Double Degree is valuable from two aspects. One of them is that at the end of the programme you will immediately have two degrees, without any extra time over your Corvinus training. Companies also welcome young graduates who have international experience. This proves you are fluent in a foreign language, and you know the economy, the society, the labour environment and the culture of another country, too.
What programmes with what financing options can I choose in the Double Degree Programme? How much does the Double Degree training cost?
The Double Degree Programme has no extra cost. During the semesters spent abroad, you will maintain your active status at the Corvinus, too. Scholarship holders will not have to pay for the semesters spent abroad, either, and students attending fee-paying trainings will pay the Hungarian tuition fee, even if the fees are higher at Western-European universities.
What is the difference between the Double Degree training and the Erasmus programme?
Under the Double Degree Programme, you will face the same requirements as the students of the partner institution: there are no easier exams, it does not matter where you are from, what your mother tongue is, everybody has to meet the same requirements. On the other hand, you will benefit more, as you will get to know the local education and culture better, and at the end of the programme, you will have two degrees.
If I am at a fee-paying training at home, could my foreign education be funded by the state? Will the Double Degree influence my Corvinus scholarship?
During the foreign training, you will pay the same tuition fee as required by Corvinus anyway. It means that if you are a scholarship holder, you do not have to pay any tuition fee.
During the foreign semester, will we have a university co-ordinator to help us in the first period?
Just like at the Corvinus, there are training co-ordinators at the foreign partner universities, too, and they will help you find your way. If you need support from home, you can write to this e-mail address:
Is it possible to use the Double Degree Programme multiple times (during both the Bachelor’s and the Master’s programmes)?
Yes. You can apply for the Double Degree during both your Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes.
To what extent does the present epidemic situation influence the foreign semesters?
It depends on the university and the country, and how they handle the epidemic (personal / on-line / hybrid education). During the Double Degree training, you basically have the same rights as local students. So even if the foreign university does not accept exchange students, you can still complete your foreign semesters under the Double Degree Programme – on-line, if necessary
In what languages and what types of language proficiency exams do I need to start and finish my studies?
Minimum complex upper-intermediate (B2) level in German for students wishing to attend the Bamberg and the Passau Universities, and minimum complex upper-intermediate (B2) level in English for the rest of the programmes
What are the requirements, how much free time will students have?
Under the Double Degree Programme, you will have to meet the same requirements as the students of the partner institution. You should expect more or less the same workload as you have at the Corvinus.
In which year is it recommended and allowed to participate in this training? When can I attend a foreign training?
Students of Bachelor’s programmes may apply for it in the second year, and will spend their 3rd year at the partner. Students of Master’s programmes may apply for it in the first year, and will typically spend their 2nd year at the partner.
How frequently is the list of partner universities extended?
We are continuously working on the extension of the list of partner universities so that the Double Degree could be available in more and more programmes. One or two new partners can be expected every year.
What document will be provided by the training?
Following the completion of the Double Degree Programme, students will get two degrees of identical values, one from the Corvinus and one from the partner institution.
What should be my average academic achievement before the programme?
Minimum 3.0 is expected.
Is there a part-time version?
Do I have to write a thesis?
Yes. Depending on the agreement with the partner university, you will write your thesis either here, or abroad. The final exam is usually conducted by a joint committee.
What happens if I fall into a delay with my studies?
The Double Degree training is based on the mutual recognition of the subjects at both universities. Consequently, if you fall into a delay, you cannot get the degree from the other university, either, until you finish both programmes.
What happens if I start the training but cannot finish it?
If you are unable to continue your studies for any reason in the Double Degree Programme, but you still attend the training at one of the parties, that party will independently determine the amount and the way of payment of the tuition fee related to your training, based on the legal regulations in force in the given party’s jurisdiction, and that party will arrange for the production of the necessary documents.
What subjects can I take? Can I account the subjects completed in the Double Degree Programme in the Bachelor’s / Master’s programme? Will my credits gained in the foreign training be accepted in the training at home? How can we reconcile it the with already started Master’s programme?
In each Double Degree Programme, the Corvinus and the partner university will jointly work out an aligned syllabus, in which they will specify the courses to be taken. Credits obtained will be mutually recognised by both universities, and the two degrees will be issued based on that.
What subjects can I take? Can I account the subjects completed in the Double Degree Programme in the Bachelor’s / Master’s programme? Will my credits gained in the foreign training be accepted in the training at home? How can we reconcile it the with already started Master’s programme?
In each Double Degree Programme, the Corvinus and the partner university will jointly work out an aligned syllabus, in which they will specify the courses to be taken. Credits obtained will be mutually recognised by both universities, and the two degrees will be issued based on that.
Will the results achieved in the Double Degree Programme be considered in my average academic achievement at the Master’s programme?
How many credits should I collect during the two semesters?
You usually have to collect 30 credits in a semester, so 60 in two semesters.
What is the cost of a foreign semester under the Double Degree Programme?
This basically depends on the country. Visit this site for more information:
Who will decide where my accommodation will be during the foreign semester, and what are the options?
The is the competence of the partner university. You basically have the same options as regular students.