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Application period for the academic year 2024/25: 6 – 20 November 2023

Application deadline on the platforms:

  • Mobility Manager: 12:00
  • CEMS database: 23:59

Admission interview or Assessment Centre: 8-19 January 2024


Students registered in one of the following master programmes are eligible to enter the CEMS MIM programme.

Students applying for the CEMS MIM program must have a bachelor degree GPA above 3.5. Those with a non-business bachelor degree can only enter the programme if they have collected at least 60 ECTS credits in business courses by the time they are accepted to the CEMS MIM program. A proof of fulfilling this requirement should be provided with the application.

Master programs in English

Also eligible are those with a Bachelor degree and starting their master programmes in the above mentioned programmes in the upcoming Spring term.

Their acceptance into the CEMS MIM programme is conditional upon their enrolment into one of these programmes.Those, who have already started their master programme studies (home master) during the previous Spring term are eligible to enter the CEMS MIM programme provided:

  • They have an ‘active’ student status during their CEMS MIM year
  • They accept that their foreign semester is the Fall term of their CEMS MIM year
  • They attach a detailed study plan to their application describing the fulfilment of all study requirements of both the home master programme and the CEMS MIM programme
  • These students are advised to seek a ‘passive’ student status during the third semester of their home master programme to leave 2 active semesters for their CEMS MIM year.

English-language requirement

Applicants must have an excellent command of English demonstrated by one or more of the followings:

  • TOEFL IBT min. 100 points
  • IELTS Academic min. 7.0
  • CPE C
  • CAE grade A or B
  • BEC Higher Grade A or B
  • Corvinus Oeconom C1
  • TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition test: a minimum score of 100 is required in the Internet based TOEFL (iBT) with a score of at least 20 in each section

Other option is to have a Bachelor’s diploma entirely taught in English in an English speaking country, or in a CEMS or an EQUIS/AACSB accredited institution; English language BA in Business and Management and BA in International Business degree received at the Corvinus Business School is also accepted to prove English proficiency.  

You can submit your English language exam until the 31th of January but please upload your confirmation of exam date and receipt of the payment of the language exam application fee to the CEMS portal.

Special language requirements of CEMS partner schools

The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE): IELTS 7.0 or TOEFL IBT 100, CAE grade „A” or „B”, BEC Higher grade „A” or „B”, BA degree from an English speaking country or CEMS institution.

National University of Singapore (NUS): IELTS 7.0. or TOEFL IBT 100, BA degree in English

University of Sydney (USYD): IELTS (7.0. overall band, each part should be minimum 6.0 or above) or TOEFL IBT 100, CAE grade „A” or „B”, BA degree in English

Please note that these institutions do not accept Corvinus C1 exam. If you put these universities on your preference list, you must have one of the above language exams!

Application steps

When do I apply?

You can apply for CEMS MIM during your first master semester if you start your master studies in September. Your CEMS MIM terms will be in parallel with your second year at your Corvinus Master programme (semester 3 and 4).

If you start your Corvinus master programme in spring, you can apply in November prior to the beginning of your master programme. Your CEMS MIM terms will be semester 2 and 3.

If you start your Corvinus master programme in spring you can also apply in your 2nd semester then you have to make sure to be active in the 5th semester of your Master studies. Your CEMS MIM terms will be your 4th and 5th semesters.

Two application paths

We have a renewed selection process to the CEMS programme.

There are two ways to apply: you either go the traditional way with extracurricular scores and with an interview, or you go for the Assessment Centre*. 

It is important that you can only choose one way to apply.In both cases there is a new element: instead of the motivation letter, you are required to send a 1-2-minute long motivational video along with the application package.

Upload your application documents to the CEMS database.

*Find more information about the Assessment Centre in the Scoring System part.

How do I apply?

1. In order to take part in the CEMS Program you need to choose one of the master programs of the Corvinus University of Budapest for a successful application to CEMS. See the eligible master programmes to CEMS above

2. Please check the English language requirement above. When you fill in the online application in the CEMS database, you will have to indicate which language exam you have. If you have Corvinus Oeconom C1 please choose „accredited school course”.

3. Fill in the online application in the Mobility Manager. Indicate CEMS MIM as your first choice. Click on the Mobility Manager button below!

  • “If you would like to receive a scholarship to support your semester abroad, do not forget to indicate it in the Mobility system. (I am applying for a scholarship to support my participation in part-time studies abroad. Yes/ No)”

4. Decide whether you apply through the Traditional Way or via the Assessment Centre and fill in your application on the CEMS portal. Click on the CEMS Online Application button below!

  • Please upload all your certificates for the application to the CEMS database and register with your non-corvinus email address as we need to contact you after the Corvinus graduation.
  • You can upload up to 25 documents.
  • Each document should be below 4 MBytes.
  • Diploma supplements and publications might be over 4 MBytes so please compress them online with for example Adobe Acrobat to be below 4 MBytes.

5. Fill in the List of uploaded documents and upload it to the CEMS database

6. For your mandatory semester abroad please indicate your preference list of partner schools in the CEMS online application and in the CEMS application form.

  • Please consider the living expenses in the chosen countries
  • Fill in all 15 preferences to give us enough choices
  • You will get your semester abroad place according to your score
  • You can indicate which semester you would like to spend abroad (if you don’t mind which, tick both fall and spring)
  • If you go abroad in the spring semester you will not be able to graduate in spring (your transcript will not arrive in time or your semester will not finish in time

CEMS Quotas at different partners (The quotas are for your guidance only, but they may be subject to change):

Scoring system

Common elements in both ways

The common elements in both the traditional way and via the Assessment Centre are the Academic achievement, the Language skills and the Motivational video.

I. Academic achievement: maximum 30 points
For the evaluation of academic achievement the weighted average grade used for the qualification of the Bachelor diploma is taken into account according to the following table. If the applicant has more than one Bachelor degrees, the one with a business topic should be taken into account. If all degrees have been earned in the business field the one with the better result should be considered.

II. Language skills: maximum 10 points
An excellent command of English is a prerequisite to entering the programme and will be assessed during the interviews.

Any additional language skills (non-mother tongue) are evaluated based on the following:

  • Advanced business language exam (oral and writen): 10 points
  • Advanced general language exam (oral and written): 8 points
  • Advanced (business or general) oral or written language exam: 6 points
  • Intermediate (business or general) language exam (oral and written): 4 points

If you already have your second language exam, please upload it to the CEMS database, during the application period in November. If you do not have it yet, you can submit the result until 31 January by email to anita.szollosi@uni-corvinus.hu or leda.szonyi@uni-corvinus.hu

III. Motivational video: maximum 10 points

What do we expect from you to answer in the video?

  • Motivation to enter the CEMS MIM programme
  • Why your background, skills and interests make you an ideal candidate for a CEMS MIM degree
  • Motivation behind the choice of foreign universities (for the first three institutions)
  • Long term objectives
  • Anything else you think is beneficial for us to know about you

Dress code: Business-like/business casual/the way you will come to the personal meeting

Length: max. 2 minutes  

Download the file to see the whole table.

Traditional way

If you apply via the traditional way your final score will contain the common elements + Extracurricular activities and Interview points: Academic Achievement (30 points) + Language skills (10 points) + Motivational video (10 points) + Extracurricular activities (25 points) + Interview (25 points) = 100 points

Extracurricular activities: maximum 25 points (see the document below)

Interview: maximum 25 points

Interviews are conducted by a team consisting of 4-6 members (the CEMS MIM academic director, a language professor, the programme manager, a company representative, a CEMS MIM alumni and a representative of current students).

Evaluation criteria

  • Interpersonal competencies
  • International openness
  • Intellectual potential
  • Critical thinking
  • Integrity

How to prepare?
Learn about the Academic and corporate partners at our website, be prepared to talk about yourself and your motivation, international experiences, work experience, your extracurricular activities, current global issues etc.

Download the file to see the whole table!

Assessment Centre

You will take part in a group exercise and you will need to solve an individual task to show your skills to the Admission Committee consisting of CEMS Professors, Corporate partners and the CEMS Academic Director.

If you apply via the Assessment Centre, your application score will contain the common elements + the Assessment Centre score: Academic Achievement (30 points) + Language skills (10 points) + Motivational video (10 points) + Assessment Centre (50 points) = 100 points

In the Assessment Centre we will look at the following evaluation criteria:

  • Intellectual potential
  • Critical thinking
  • International openness
  • Integrity
  • Interpersonal competences

Assessment Centre – Tasks

First part: Group Exercise

With 3-4 fellow-applicants of yours, you will get a business issue/economic problem to perform a solution together while you are being watched and evaluated by assessors. These assessors will make their observations, and give you a score based on your respective contributions to the overall exercise.
The responsibilities of the group will be: Effective team working requires team members to co-operate, listen to each other, communicate clearly, share knowledge and information, show commitment to the team and task and be supportive.You don’t need to do any preparation in advance, we believe your intellectual potential shall be a valuable part of the solution.

Your individual responsibilities in the group will be: Making an effective contribution.

Technical information: 90 minutes while the available tools are pen and paper

Tips for Group Work Exercises:

1. Speak up. It is important to put forward ideas and contribute to the team. The assessors can’t give you any marks if they haven’t heard you speak.

2. Keep your contributions short.

3. Avoid interrupting other team members and avoid being interrupted.

4. Encourage other team members: if a team member hasn’t said anything, try to get them involved in the discussion.

5. Keep an eye on the time.

6. Be prepared to change your argument. You need to be able to show that you can accept a new direction, if better ideas or information are presented to you.

7. Sometimes, it is also important to ensure your ideas are fully considered without holding up the group. It is also your responsibility to point out any issues or doubts.

8. Be professional: Don’t lose your temper and keep your volume and tone under control.

Second part: Individual Exercise

In essence, these questions involve a short case or analysis in which you must try to estimate a value you probably had never considered estimating before. The process of solving a guesstimate problem is not that complicated: look at the possible parameters that may affect the final quantity, and estimate its numbers.
During this exercise you will need to:

  • Break down the problem into logical pieces
  • Walk the interviewer through how you are approaching the problem
  • Try to determine appropriate assumptions for the value of key figures in each of those pieces

Technical framework: 15-20 minutes while the available tools are flipchart/whiteboard

Tips for the individual exercise:

1. Clarify the question, make sure you and the interviewers are on the same page on every assumption.

2. Scope the problem. Ask questions to clarify the scope of the problem in question.

3. Break down the problem into small pieces.

4. Use estimation and judgement to solve each piece.

5. Consolidate all of the pieces into a conclusion.

6. Be very structured in your approach and write out your numbers and assumptions in a clear manner.

Fees and scholarships


Tuition Fee
There is no tuition fee for the CEMS MIM programme at Corvinus.

Handling Fee
100 EUR handling fee payable to the CEMS Global Office after acceptance to the CEMS programme.

Block Seminar Fee
300 EUR (intensive seminar of the Fall semester).

Global Citizenship Fee
100 EUR (intensive seminar of the Spring semester).

Exchange semester
CEMS students do not pay a tuition fee to the CEMS partner university for the exchange semester.


If you spend your exchange semester in the EU you will get an Erasmus+ grant, there is no additional application procedure for the grant. You can apply for Erasmus+ grant for the international internship. Application must be submitted during your active semester at the Corvinus MSc.

Scholarships for internship
You can apply for Erasmus+ or Campus Mundi sholarship for the international internship. Please check the application requirements.

CEMS Travelogue

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