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Student Life


The CEMS MIM programme is very demanding and together with the Corvinus master programme it represents an increased workload for students. Think carefully about scheduling your Corvinus and CEMS courses taking into consideration the course equivalencies between the two programmes.

Generally CEMS classes are very interactive and engaging and you will experience a lot of different teaching styles at the partner universities. The CEMS programme is a unique experience as you have the opportunity to work together with your fellow Corvinus students from other master programmes as well as with CEMS exchange students from partner univerisites.

The exam period for CEMS students at Corvinus is very intense, you will take all your exams on the first week of the exam period.


CEMS Club Budapest

By being accepted to the CEMS Programme you automatically become a member of the CEMS Club. You can participate in a wide range of events organised by CEMS Club Budapest from winter and summer camp to international dinner with your fellow CEMSies, from cultural programmes and hiking to a fancy christmas ball each year. https://www.facebook.com/CEMSClubBudapest/


CEMS Alumni

You can leverage on the knowledge and experience of local CEMS Alumni by getting career advice during the SAMP mentor programme or attending AlumNights dealing with the most pressing business-related issues.


CEMS Corporate Partners

CEMS Corporate Partners are actively involved in all elements of the CEMS curriculum: courses, skill seminars and business projects. They regularly take part in extracurricular activities with CEMS Club Budapest like rotation dinners, charity run etc. The CEMS Office prepares a CV book of each CEMS academic year and sends it to Corporate partners who use the book to select future interns or employees.

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