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Scholarships for Social Needs

Exceptional Grant Based on Social Needs

Exceptional Grant Based on Social Needs is a one-off cash benefit available under open calls for applications upon an extraordinary event taking place in a student’s social situation. Calls are announced by the Vice-Rector for Education with the consent of the Student Council. Scholarships are available for students with an active student status attending a full-time undergraduate or a second-cycle or a single-cycle master’s programme, however, only one application may be submitted relevant to a circumstance during an academic year.

Applications may be submitted in writing at any time of the year upon some extraordinary events taking place in the social situation of a student or a student’s family. Extraordinary events may include, for example, a long-term, serious illness, death or other significant change in the social situation and they are classified into three categories (minor, moderate, severe), according to regulations for application, which are detailed in the current year’s call for applications.

Applications must always include some documents to prove changes in circumstances (original documents must be presented and submitting copies thereof is sufficient), as well as copies of bank account statement(s) of a student’s sponsor(s). Students who have not applied for a Regular Grant Based on Social Needs must obtain additional certificates. They include a certificate issued by the Central Office for 

Administrative and Electronic Public Services (formerly Population Register Office); a certificate to prove earnings of sponsors living in the same household with the applicant; and birth certificate(s) of dependent(s) living in the same household with the applicant, if younger than 7 years. For dependent(s) of over 16 years of age living in the same household with the applicant, certificate(s) proving learner/student status must also be provided. As these certificates are required for the social situation survey process for the Regular Grant Based on Social Needs, you can find more detailed information on such official documents in Presidential Committee Order No. 37/2020. (VI. 29.).

Students having applied for a Regular Grant Based on Social Needs in the given semester are not required to upload these certificates again. 

Who may apply and what is the process of applying?

  • Students with active student status attending full-time undergraduate or second-cycle or single-cycle master’s programmes.
  • Applications may be submitted electronically via the Neptun Study and Registration System. In the menu item “Administration”, please select the sub-menu item “Application Forms” to find the Exceptional Grant Based on Social Needs among application forms to be completed; this scholarship is available continuously throughout the academic year. Only one application may be submitted relevant to a circumstance during an academic year. Copies of documents certifying changes in circumstances and of bank account statement(s) of the student’s sponsor(s) are required in each case.  

Frequency of announcing calls for applications and amount of funds to be awarded

  • Available throughout the academic year.
  • In the 2020/21 academic year, students may receive funds in the following amounts:
  • In case of a minor change in circumstances, a maximum of HUF 75,000 may be awarded once.
  • In case of a moderate change in circumstances, a maximum of HUF 100,000 may be awarded once.
  • In case of a severe change in circumstances, a maximum of HUF 125,000 may be awarded once.

The minimum and maximum amounts of scholarships are for information only. These amounts may be different for scholarships in each semester, as they depend on the total funding available for scholarships and the number of applications submitted by students. 

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Regular Grant Based on Social Needs

The purpose of the Regular Grant Based on Social Needs is to provide financial support to full-time students based on their social situations. This scholarship is awarded for one semester; therefore, students may apply at the beginning of both the autumn and the spring semesters. As its name suggests, this is a regular scholarship; therefore, the amount awarded will be disbursed on a monthly basis for a period of five months.

Students will be given a score reflecting their social status determined on the basis of, among other things, statuses (e.g. pupil, employee, pensioner), incomes and health statuses of persons making up a household with the student; the student’s housing conditions; distance of the student’s permanent residence from the University, etc. Any information provided in the application must be substantiated by official documents. You can find information helping you to obtain these certificates in Presidential Committee Order 37/2020. (VI. 29.) and also in the Warning and Completion Guide at the beginning of the Application Form for Regular Social Scholarships opened in Neptun. You are recommended to read the Order carefully as it details all documents to be obtained.

Extra points may be allocated to students in case a student or the student’s relatives have some chronic illness, as listed in the table below. 

Related documents

Who may apply and what is the process of applying?

  • Students with active student status attending full-time undergraduate or second-cycle or single-cycle master’s programmes may apply for a scholarship.
  • You may apply electronically through the Neptun Study and Registration System, by completing an application form and submitting it within deadline. In the menu item “Administration”, please select the sub-menu item “Application Forms” to display application forms to be completed; among them, you will find the form for Regular Grant Based on Social Needs after the call has been announced relevant to the current semester, of which students are notified through Neptun messages. 

Frequency of announcing calls for applications and amount of funds to be awarded

  • At the beginning of the autumn and spring semesters.
  • The amount of the Regular Grant Based on Social Needs is determined by using the scoring system provided in the annex to the call for applications. Scholarships awarded under the call for the second semester of the 2020/21 academic year were of amounts ranging between a minimum of HUF 16,700/month and a maximum of HUF 110,000/month.

The minimum and maximum amounts of scholarships are for information only. These amounts may be different for scholarships in each semester, as they depend on the total funding available for scholarships and the number of applications submitted by students. 

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