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Institutional Scholarships

Good Student, Good Sportsman Scholarship

Good Student, Good Sportsman Scholarship is a lump sum cash benefit awarded once in each academic year to encourage and support good academic achievement and outstanding sports activities.

Who may apply and what is the process of applying?

Scholarships are available to students who pursue undergraduate or second-cycle or single-cycle master’s degrees; and have completed at least two semesters at the University; and:

  • have active student status both at the time of applying and during the disbursement period;
  • have enrolled for at least two semesters and have earned at least 23 credits in both consecutive semesters with active student status, or in any two consecutive semesters if more than two semesters have been completed, during their studies;
  • have won, in any sport, a national championship medal, primarily; or a European championship medal; or a world championship medal; or an Olympic medal;
  • and their period of study does not exceed one and a half times the programme duration specified in the training and outcome requirements for the programme concerned.

In Neptun, by completing an application form. 

Frequency of announcing calls for applications and amount of funds to be awarded

  • Annually (at end of each academic year)
  • Under the call announced most recently, the total available funding for scholarships was HUF 300,000. The current amount of funds to be awarded may differ from that and is always included in the current call for applications.  

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