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Research Committee

According to the Organizational and Operational Provisions effective of January 1st 2020, the University operates a Research Committee:

(1) The Research Committee is the scientific research body of the Senate, and the permanent committee supporting the completion of the tasks of Vice-Rector for Research

(2) The Chair of the Research Committee is the Vice-Rector for Research

(3) Members of the Committee:

a) Head of the Library,

b) Head of IT at the Infrastructural Services,

c) Director of the Corvinus Doctoral Schools,

d) Chief Editors of the priority CORVINUS university journals,

e) Director of CIAS (Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies),

f) Director of  REKK (Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research),

g) three (3) representatives of institute research centres, appointed by the Vice-Rector for Research,

h) one representative of Project Management,

i) one representative of Finances,

j) a student representative delegated by BCE HÖK (Student Council) and BCE DÖK (Doctoral Student Council) respectively (if BCE HÖK and BCE DÖK fails to delegate student representatives, quorum shall exist without the presence of the student representatives).

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