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Academic Advisory Board

The Academic Advisory Board consists of highly reputable, internationally recognized experts. It supports the work of the Academic Tenure and Promotion Committee.

The members of the Academic Advisory Board (according to OOR)

The Board members are propped by the Academic Tenure and Promotion Committee from internationally distinguished Hungarian or foreign experts of the fields of study taught or the fields of science researched at the University. Upon the approval of the Senate the members are invited by the Rector.

The members of the Academic Advisory Board (currently)

Prof. Dr. Benczes Réka Ágnesfull professorCorvinus University of Budapest
Ph.D Dr.Dr.H. C. Constantin Bratianuprofessor emeritusBucharest University of Economic Studies
Prof. Dr. Adam Budnikowskifull professorSGH Collegium of World Economy
Prof. Dr. Csóka Péterfull professorCorvinus University of Budapest
Prof. Dr. Bruno Dallagoprofessor emeritusUniversity of Trento
Prof. Dr. Ralf Elbertfull professorTechnical University of Braunschweig
Prof. Dr. Isabelle Fagnotfull professorKEDGE Business School
Prof. Dr. Katona Zsoltfull professorHaas School of Business, University of California Berkeley
Prof. Dr. Illés Tiborfull professorCorvinus University of Budapest
Prof. Dr. Knut O. J. Imsfull professorNorwegian School of Economics in Bergen
Prof. Dr. Bart MacCarthyfull professorNottingham University, Business School
Dr. Marton Péterassociate professorCorvinus University of Budapest
Prof. Dr. Mari Lee Mifsudfull professorUniversity of Richmond
Prof. Dr. N. Rózsa Erzsébetprofessor emeritaUniversity of Public Service
Prof. Dr. Nagy Beátafull professorCorvinus University of Budapest
Dr. Nagy Gáborassistant professorINSEEC School of Business & Economics
Dr. Sajtos Lászlóassociate professorUniversity of Auckland
Prof. Dr. Solymosi István Tamásfull professorCorvinus University of Budapest
Prof. Dr. Takács Sándorfull professorCorvinus University of Budapest
Prof. Dr. Tátrai Tündefull professorCorvinus University of Budapest
Dr. Virág Gáborassociate professorUniversity of Toronto
Prof. Dr. Wimmer Ágnesfull professorCorvinus University of Budapest
Prof. Dr. Mizik Tamásfull professorCorvinus University of Budapest
Prof. Dr. Tarrósy Istvánfull professorUniversity of Pécs
Prof. Dr. Kenesei Zsófiafull professorCorvinus University of Budapest
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