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Academic Tenure and Promotion Committee

The Academic Tenure and Promotion Committee is the second-level forum for the evaluation of teacher and researcher applications. Its reviews the applications for promotion and new entries to associate professor, senior research fellow, full professor, research professor and scientific advisor positions.

The ATPC shall make suggestions and review proposals for the modification of the Academic Career Model and reviews the modifications related to academic positions in the Employment Requirements.

The members and the secretary of the ATPC (according to OOR)

The chairperson of the Academic Tenure and Promotion Committee shall be the General Vice-Rector.

The members:

  • Vice-Rector for Academic Development
  • Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs
  • Vice-Rector for Research
  • 3 persons invited as members from the senior lecturers and scientific researchers of the University who are employed full-time (associate professors, full professors, senior research fellows, research professors, scientific advisors) (internal members), and
  • 3 invited members who are not employed by the University (external members)

Among the internal and external members each field of science (namely, business and management, economics and social) shall be represented by one member.

The secretary:

The Secretary of the ATPC is a member of staff of Academic Management appointed by the General Vice-Rector.

The members and the secretary of the ATPC (in-office)

  • Ágnes Zsóka, Vice-Rector for Academic Development, Chair
  • Réka Vas, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs
  • Zoltán Szántó, Vice-Rector for Research
  • Tamara Keszey, Vice-Rector for Research
  • Zsuzsa Elekes, social sciences (internal member)
  • Attila Tasnádi, economics (internal member)
  • Krisztina Demeter, business and management (internal member)
  • Christopher Ball, economics (external member)
  • Tamás Magyarics, social sciences (external member)
  • Péter Kelle, business and management (external member)
  • Bernadett Bódi (secretary)

Assistant Professor (Research Fellow) Subcommittee

For the evaluation of assistant professor and research fellow promotions and job applications the ATPC operates the Assistant Professor (Research Fellow) Subcommittee.

The Subcommittee shall consist of four members. The Vice-Rector for Academic Development being an ex officio member. The further members shall be invited by the Chairperson of the ATPC from the senior lecturers and researchers employed by the University full-time, based on the proposal of the ATPC and having regard to the representation of the various fields of research mentioned in the description of the Academic Tenure and Promotion Committee.

The current members of the Subcommittee:

  • Alexandra Köves, business and management (Chairperson)
  • Ágnes Zsóka, Vice-Rector for Academic Development
  • Barna Bakó, economics
  • Adél Pásztor, social sciences

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