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Subject Descriptions


Location: Building C, Dance hall

Teacher: Balázs Tóth

free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)


Location: Kinizsi Hostel – Sports hall
Teacher: Wallisch Andrea
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)


Location: Kinizsi Hostel – Sports hall / Gellért Campus
Teacher: Kováts László, Vladár Csaba, Németh Kata
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)


Location: building C.

Teachers: Csaba Vladár  

free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)

Aim: To learn the basics of chess, to promote the sport and to create the necessary environment for the development of the chess community at Corvinus University. Understanding the objectives of the opening, the middlegame and the endgame, practising the analysis of positions during the game. Developing playing strength by solving simple problems individually and then collectively, discussing the solution step by step, and ultimately acquiring and developing the knowledge and skills necessary for enjoyable play.

The lesson is divided into two parts. The first part briefly introduces the topic scheduled for the week, followed by practical examples and exercises to help students learn the techniques covered in the theoretical part. In the second half of the lesson, students pair up according to their level of knowledge, then play practice games with each other, and after the games, discuss critical points and mistakes with each other and the instructor.

Cardio workout / with steps

Location: Gellért Campus
Teacher: Mészáros Emőke
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)

Towel is obligatory!


Location: Gellért Campus
Teacher: Mészáros Emőke
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)

Only with prior qualifications! Towel is obligatory!


Location: Kinizsi Hostel – Sports hall
Teacher: Wallisch Andrea
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)


Location: please check attached hiking calendar

Teacher: Vladár Csaba

free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)

4 of the tours announced during the semester must be completed in order to obtain a signature. The certificate received on the tour (name card, diploma, stamped booklet, etc.) will need to be uploaded to the Moodle to prove completion.

Please note that the organizers may ask for a registration fee on site.


Location: AVSE – Angyalföldi Vizisport Egyesület – 1138 Budapest, Meder u. 12.
Teacher: Vladár Csaba
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)
Only if you can swim (Deep water)

There will be 8 occasions during the semester (from 20th of March), of which 5 must be completed to accept the semester.

Kayak-canoe P.E. classes will be held every week on Wednesdays from 6:00 p.m., with outsourced coaches.


Location: Gellért Campus
Teacher: Sebestyén Tamás
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)
Big towel is necessary!


Location: outside
Teacher: Mészáros Emőke
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)
Running will be outside
Dressing-room at Gellért Campus

Only with prior qualifications! Towel is obligatory!


Location: Building C, Dance hall
Teacher: Balázs Tóth
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)

Spinal exercises

Location: Gellért Campus
Teacher: Mészáros Emőke
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)
Big towel is necessary!


Location: Tüskecsarnok Uszodakomplexum – 1111 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 7.
Teacher: Reichardt-Varga Emese
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)
Swimming cap is necessary!
Only if you can swim (Deep water)

Minimum 2 swimming style required!


Location: Gellért Campus
Teacher: Harmat Józsefné
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)


Location: Gellért Campus
Teacher: Németh Kata
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E. semester)
Big towel is necessary!

Yoga helps counteract the harmful effects of stress and strengthens the immune system. The unusual postures work the nervous system and the exercises increase stamina. Yoga is also exercise, movement therapy, personal development and self-awareness. It relaxes, energizes, detoxifies and strengthens. It helps to shape the body, corrects musculoskeletal problems caused by one-sided posture, and increases flexibility. The yoga exercises are static in nature, the muscle action is primarily isometric. In class, we will perform beginner/intermediate postures, basic exercises such as forward, backward, side bending poses, trunk twists; balance exercises, breathing exercises; hip openings, support postures, seated postures, relaxation exercises; relaxation techniques, meditation exercises. Stretching and stretching elements are also part of the class.

Ballroom dancing

Location: Building C, Dance hall
Teacher: Balázs Tóth
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)

Folk dance

Location: Dance hall (building C)
Teacher: Deffend Inci
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)


Location: Kinizsi Hostel – gym
Teacher: Harmat Józsefné, Kováts László, Hegedűs Attila, Németh Kata, Reichardt-Varga Emese, Wallisch Andrea
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)
Towel is necessary!


Location: Gellért Campus
Teacher: Jurecz István
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)


Location: Gellért Campus
Teacher: Harmat Józsefné, Reichardt-Varga Emese
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)
with own racket!


Location: DNHE – Danubius Nemzeti Hajós Egylet – 1007 Budapest, Margitsziget Hajós Alfréd sétány

Teacher: Vladár Csaba free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)

Only if you can swim (Deep water)

There will be 8 occasions during the semester (from 18th of March), of which 5 must be completed to accept the semester.

Rowing P.E. classes will be held every week on Mondays from 6:00 p.m., with outsourced coaches.


Location: Gellért Campus Sports hall
Teacher: Hegedűs Attila, Sebestyén Tamás,
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)

Indoor shoes required!


Location: Gellért Campus
Teacher: Reichardt-Varga Emese,

free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)

Step aerobic and strengthening

Location: Gellért Campus
Teacher: Wallisch Andrea,

free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)


Location: Gellért Campus

Teacher: Németh Kata

free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E. semester)

A uniquely designed trampoline, the latest, most effective fitness activity that coordinates the acceleration and deceleration of the body, while being easy on the joints and spine. Every exercise on the Jumping improves your metabolism and helps you feel fully refreshed. Jumping aerobic exercises are performed with a custom-designed trampoline that moves the entire body, incorporating stretching, cardio, fat-burning, strengthening, and relaxation elements. It promotes detoxification of the body, develops “motor nervous system” coordination and stability, increases tissue oxygenation, improves digestion, benefits incontinence, increases lung vital capacity, relieves fatigue and menstrual problems, stimulates metabolism while reducing excess weight.

Not recommended for gynaecological or internal medicine problems.


Location: Gellért Campus
Teacher: Hegedűs Attila, Sebestyén Tamás
for extra charge – HUF 14.000 paid through NEPTUN
in summer-time: ELTE Sporttelep, Bp. XI. kerület, Bogdánfy u 10/A
in winter-time (in tent): ELTE Sportpálya, Bp. XI. kerület Mérnök u. 35. OR at Gellért Campus – please check in Neptun!

Registration: at first you have to pay HUF 14.000 through NEPTUN (extra charge for Tennis)
after that you can register to the course on Neptun


Location: Kinizsi Hostel / Gellért Campus
Teacher: Sebestyén Tamás, Reichardt-Varga Emese
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)


Location: Building C, Dance hall
Teacher: Balázs Tóth
free of charge (for 2 fulfilled P.E.semester)

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