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Student Services


  • You need to preregister and set a new password for yourself, you can do that on this page.
  • When you were accepted at BCE you got a letter. In that letter you will find youe neptun id. To register yourself you need this ID and your birthdate. You need to give your birthdate without any dots or other signs in this way: yearmonthday, for example if you were born at 22th of March, 2002 then you write this into the field:20000322.
  • After entering into the system you need to set your password. Password must be 8 length long and contain one capital letter and one number. We suggest to use an even stronger password than this.
  • At first your Neptun password and cusman password was the same, now they are different. This is important when logging into the different university services.
  • If you can’t log in seek help from IT Helpdesk in Sóház at room 15 or send an e-mail to ithelpdesk@uni-corvinus.hu writing down your problem in detail.

Neptun password

  • Neptun is the Student Information and Financial System.
  • Your Neptun password is different from all other passwords.
  • If you have forgotten your password seek help at Student Services.


Wireless network only available at the university

  • Name of the network: Cornet-EAP
  • SSID: Cornet-EAP
  • Authentication: WPA2 / WPA
  • Encryption: AES / TKIP
  • EAP type: PEAP
  • Authentication mode: MSCHAPv2
  • IP Address: Automatic (DHCP)
  • Authentication: cusman ID, cusman password

Network avaiable at educational institutions both inland and abroad

  • Name of the network: Eduroam
  • SSID: Eduroam
  • Authentication: @uni-corvinus.hu, cusman password


Using VPN (Virtual Private Network) you can connect to the server of the university thus you have access to the secure pages and services of the university.

How can I request this service?

  • The VPN service is activated for every university citizen by default, no special request is needed to be sent.Provided by: Microsoft
  • Server name: vpn.uni-corvinus.hu
  • Virtual Private Network Type: Automatic 
  • Login type: Username and password

Official university mail

You get a university e-mail address automatically. You can start official matter using only this e-mail address.

Format of the e-mail address: firstname.lastname(a number comes here if there are multiple person with the same name)@stud.uni-corvinus.hu. For example: someone.test3@stud.uni-corvinus.hu

  • The university mailing system is available at office.com. 50GB of storage is available. To log in enter your email address and Cusman password.
  • Visit cusman.uni-corvinus.hu website to check what your e-mail address is.

Student labs

  • The computer labs that can be used directly by the students are on the 1st and 2nd floor in the Sóház. Students who enrolled in BCE with a valid student card are eligible to use the labs.
  • There are scheduled courses in most of the labs, but outside those timeframes they are free for use during opening hours from Monday to Friday between 8:00 to 21:30 and between 8:00 to 17:30 on Saturdays.
  • Their availability and other restrictions (e.g. exams and other courses) can be read at the entrance of the labs. Prerequisite for use: user ID and password
  • Off-schedule use of computers in the labs is currently free
  • Please report any problems experienced while using the computers in the labs to ithelpdesk@uni-corvinus.hu

Window and Office

Yes! Azure Dev Tools for Teaching

Microsoft 365 (Office 365)

You have access to use Microsoft 365 freely.

I would like to install it on my computer

  • You can use Microsoft 365, to do so login at office.com and download the package to your computer.
  • After login you will see the download (install) option at the top right side of the screen above the application icons.
  • After installing the softwares on your computer to use them you need to log in with your university e-mail address and your cusman password.

I would like to use it online for joint work

  • The Microsoft 365 was made for joint work especially. You can communicate and work together with your teachers and your fellow students.
  • Some part of the software package is available only on the web while others can be installed onto your computer and smart phones (Android, iOS).


Never share your password with others!
When requesting data from you in emails, always examine the sender and the website to which the link points carefully. It always has to be in the uni-corvinus.hu domain. A one-letter discrepancy is hard to be spotted, so phishers prefer to use this method. Please be careful because the data you obtain may be misused and even crimes might be committed using your digital identity.

Change your password yearly!
Your password must be changed every year. You can change your password at cusman.uni-corvinus.hu.

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