AEGEE – Budapest
AEGEE-Budapest, founded in 1990, present at Corvinus from that time on, is an antenna of a huge umbrella organisation, AEGEE-Europe. AEGEE is present in 40 different countries and 160 cities all across Europe. Its aim is to foster a democratic Europe which is prejudice-free and to create a platform for young adults to take active part in society. Our organisation strives for finding a solutions to Europe’s most burning problems within the framework of our four different working gorups, political activism, climate emergency, social equity and mental health. AEGEE collaborates with the European Union, United Nations and UNESCO, as well. AEGEE-Budapest has approxiamtely 80 members and the whole network consists of 10 000 international people.Challenge yourself and make Europe your comfort zone!
AEGEE-Budapest provides a development path called AEGEE-Journey which consists of five steps. Our mentor programme is meant to create a social bond within our newbies and is guided by our experienced members. Every AEGEEans have the opportunity to take part in different international exchange programmes and trainings. Considering our local level, members can join one of our working groups each semester; HR, PR, Fundraising and European Projects. The goal of our antenna in Budapest is to prepare AEGEEans to join the European level of our organisation, thus our weekly trainings focus on introducing the members to the international level. We have numerous ongoing projects related to Erasmus+ opportunities and other projects, too, such as the Conference on the Future f Europe or Democratic Wo/Men of the Western Balkans – Increasing Youth Participation in Democracy.
Due to the pandemic, some of our local and all of the international events are currently transferred to an online version, our local offline events are organised under full respect of the current the rules.
Information for new members
Join if…
you would like to be part of a huge international family
try out non-formal education
discuss the erupean hot topics
develop your soft skills!
Our organisations seeks for young adults between 18 and 35 years and encourages them to take active part in society. Why is it different from other student unions? Because we offer not only local, but also international improvement. We ensure our members’ participation in different European bodies of AEGEE basically in each fields of an organisation: HR, FR, PR and projects.
Our recruitement period takes place in the first two or three weeks of each semester which is closed by a Freshmen camp. Our application period consists of a form and a motivational interview.
Organizational structure