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Trainings for the researchers of the University

I. modul: Writing Horizon Europe grant proposals

The European research funding scene is highly competitive. Among the many proposals with excellent research ideas, those will be the winners that meet the requirements of the European Commission, have a sound implementation plan, a credible procedure to turn the results into innovation, and proper measures to maximize impact beyond academia. The training equips researchers with practical knowledge on the proposal-writing process.

II. modul: Skills and best practices for your successful Horizon Europe participation

Finding partners for Horizon Europe projects/building a Horizon Europe consortium

The training provides researchers with practical knowledge on how to find consortium partners. Topics include: how brokerage events work, how to prepare a profile that evokes the attention of the relevant target groups and how to start cold-call conversations about your research idea.

Pitching your research and building your profile as a consortium partner

The training assists potential Horizon Europe applicants in finding partners for Horizon Europe calls. Should the researchers plan to take the role of a Partner or a Coordinator, they have to be able to represent their proposed research idea, relevant skills and references in a succinct, convincing manner and substantiate their expertise – often in a very strict and narrow timeframe.

Negotiate your interests in the consortium

The training shows researchers the internal dynamics of the international research consortium and helps them articulating and representing their interests in the proposal writing process regarding positions, tasks, budget and IPR negotiations.

Navigate your way through the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement

The training equips researchers with a sound knowledge of the two most important documents of the Horizon Europe projects, both of which are crucial for the project implementation and consortium dynamics. The training helps the participants in understanding and also in negotiating these agreements.

Dissemination, communication and exploitation in Horizon Europe projects

The training provides insight to widely used dissemination, communication and exploitation techniques applied by EU projects. As Horizon Europe lays increased emphasis on CDE activities, the training will give a concise overview of the requirements of the European Commission.

Earlier information, presentations, trainings

European Research and Innovation Days 2021

On 23 and 24 June, within the framework of the European Research and Innovation Days 2021, the aspects of the future of European research and the Horizon Europe framework programme were presented. You can listen to the lectures of the two-day series of events through the following link.

Dissemination & Exploitation in Horizon Europe

You can access the Youtube video of the webinar of June 9 through the following link.

Avoiding errors in declaring personnel costs in Horizon 2020 grants

Click on this link to watch the Youtube video of the webinar of April 28. 

Info session on Horizon Results Booster (5 Oct 2021)

The info session of the European Commission on the platform facilitating the utilisation of the results of the H2020/Horizon Europe projects (5 October 2021)

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