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Process of application, general information

Have you been invited to an international consortium tender partnership? Or do you wish to apply as a consortium leader? Please be informed that the process of application at the University consists of 4 steps. 

We can provide customised support to researchers in the application process only if they submit the first pieces of information to the research support unit by filling in a brief tender and project report form (if they are not able to fill it in fully, it is not a problem).

2. The University’s international research tender support team will contact the applicant and organise a personal meeting. At this meeting, they discuss whether the tender idea meets the format and content criteria of the call, and information is provided about the possibilities of finding partners, the process of application and the development of the cost plan, and answers are given to researcher’s questions. If necessary, it is possible to organise a meeting with an external tender technology expert and with the Corporate Relations Directorate of the University to explore innovation potentials. The draft professional plan of the application is produced, with a recommendation about internal and external colleagues to be involved and consortium members. The applicant asks for the opinion and the support of his/her employer in e-mail. Following that, for the recommendation of the research support, the Grants Coordination Committee makes a decision about the authorisation or the withholding of the application.

3. When the approval is given, the base of the project organisation is set up: professional leader, professional assistants, project manager to support preparations, and the staff of the legal and financial areas are involved in the preparations for the application. The budget of the application is worked out and financially planned in cooperation with the head of the Grant Finances Office, and with the support of the group supporting international research tenders.

4. Administrative steps before submission: If there is an on-line tender interface for the call, the representative of the group supporting international research tenders should be given access to it. If the application is not submitted on an on-line portal, the final material should be sent to the horizon@uni-corvinus.hu address. 

Dr. Cser Erika cser.erika@uni-corvinus.hu
C épület, 621
Phone: +36 1 482 7725 • Ext: 7725
Varga Viktória Katalin viktoria.varga@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Kutatási rektorhelyettes / Kutatásmenedzsment
Kutatástámogatási szakértő / Research Support Expert
E épület, 217
Phone: +36 1 482 5481
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