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Project information

Project organization

Project assistance

Project manager

Szűcs Boglárka boglarka.szucs@uni-corvinus.hu
C épület, 621
Phone: +36 1 482 7725 • Ext: 7725

Tender assistant

Bata Tamás tamas.bata@uni-corvinus.hu
C épület, 623
Phone: +36 1 482 7729 • Ext: 7729


Bata Zsuzsanna zsuzsanna.bata@uni-corvinus.hu
C épület, 623
Phone: +36 1 482 7729 • Ext: 7729
Bohoczki Janka janka.bohoczki@uni-corvinus.hu
C épület, 623
Phone: +36 1 482 7729 • Ext: 7729

Project team

Professional manager

Dr. Sass Judit Gabriella judit.sass@uni-corvinus.hu
C épület, 377
Phone: +36 1 482 5221 • Ext: 5221

Subproject managers for the Research Subproject – Doctoral School responsibles

Dr. Kiss Gabriella Katalin gabriella.kiss@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Operáció és Döntés Intézet / Döntéselmélet Tanszék
Egyetemi Docens / Associate Professor
E épület, 130
Phone: +36 1 482 5505 • Ext: 5505
Dr. Benczes István Zsolt Rektori Szervezet / Globális Tanulmányok Intézet / Világgazdasági Tanszék
Egyetemi tanár / Professor
, 406
Ext: 7403

Subproject manager for Education & Mentoring subproject

Dr. Ványi Éva eva.vanyi@uni-corvinus.hu
C épület, C.504
Phone: +36 1 482 7238 • Ext: 7238

Subproject manager for the Talent subproject

Barta Márton barta.marton@uni-corvinus.hu Elnöki Szervezet / Stratégia
Stratégiai vezető / Head of Strategy
E épület

Project assistants

Fazekas Nóra nora.fazekas@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Vezetéstudományi Intézet / Stratégiai Menedzsment Tanszék
Egyetemi tanársegéd, PhD Hallgató / Assistant Lecturer, PhD Student
E épület, 103
Phone: +36 1 482 5179 • Ext: 5179
Nagy Laura Emőke laura.nagy@uni-corvinus.hu
C épület
Phone: +36 1 482 7217
Koleszár Dóra dora.koleszar@uni-corvinus.hu
C épület, 529
Phone: +36 1 482 7106 • Ext: 7106

Project data

Project title

Project number


Main beneficiary

  • Corvinus University of Budapest

Consortium members

  • University of Debrecen
  • Eötvös Lóránd University
  • University of Pécs

Project budget

1. 806. 750. 000  Ft

Planned project period

2017.09.01 – 2021.08.31

Venue of realisation

Corvinus University of Budapest
Budapest Campus: 1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8.
Székesfehérvár Campus: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Budai út 43.

Project grants

Conference/seminar participation grant

We would like to inform you that the application for this grand has been prolonged until 31st May 2022.

The goal of the grant is to cover  participation costs at domestic and/or international conferences and/or summer universities of doctoral students and young lecturers/researchers.

Call period: 1st July 2021 – 31st March 2022

Eligible applicants:

  • doctoral students and doctoral candidates with active status of the doctoral school indicated in the call for application  
  • young lecturers, researchers taking part in the activities of the DS who are public service employees of the Corvinus University of Budapest (except for the Doctoral School of Business and Management)

Funding is eligible for:

  • registration fee
  • travel costs

Amount of funding: max. 400 000 HUF for international conferences, max. 60 000 HUF for domestic conferences

During the given call period a maximum number of two applications can be supported per student.

The application has to include:

  • completed application form
  • call for conference/event
  • notification of accepted talk/notification of accepted application in case of summer universities
  • submitted abstract/article
  • in case of doctoral students, doctoral candidates and young researchers recommendation by supervisor
  • in case of lecturers/researchers a declaration by the Head of the Doctoral School

(see detailed call)

Application documents

Related contacts

Böttger Fruzsina fruzsina.bottger@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Kompetenciaközpontok / Oktatási Minőségfejlesztési és Módszertani Központ
Projektasszisztens / Project Assistant
C épület, 505
Phone: +36 1 482 7105 • Ext: 7105

Supported colleagues

Publication grant

Amounts of grant support:

  • for publications in Hungarian HUF 50,000 gross/ publication/student
  • for publications in a foreign language HUF 100,000 gross/publication/student

Eligible applicants: 

  • Application is open to doctoral students or doctoral candidates who take part in a doctoral programmes and former students who have already obtained their absolutorium but have not yet submitted their doctoral dissertation.
  • for publications that feature the fact that it was completed in the framework of CUB’s EFOP-3.6.3- VEKOP-16-2017-000071 project

Application period: 15 February – 15 May 2022

Deadline for publishing: 31 May 2022

Application documents

Contact information

Kovács Katalin katalin.kovacs@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Kompetenciaközpontok / Oktatási Minőségfejlesztési és Módszertani Központ / Tanárképző és Oktatás-módszertani Csoport (TOMI)
Módszertani támogató tanácsadó / Education Methodology Advisor
C épület, 506
Phone: +36 1 482 7493 • Ext: 7493

Proofreading support grant

Purpose of the grant:

The aim of the grant is to increase the number of independent or co-authored publications in Hungarian and foreign languages among doctoral students and former students preparing to submit doctoral dissertations, and to support catching up with international research trends. The scheme supports students in obtaining publication credits, which are mandatory in the new doctoral training programme. Thus, it contributes to meeting the requirements and successfully completing the doctoral programme.

Application period: 15 February – 15 May 2022

Deadline for publishing: 31 May 2022
Deadline for accepting applications:  continuous until the funding under the EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00007 scheme is exhausted.
Amount of grant support: proofreading fee certified by the applicant, but not more than HUF 200,000 per publication

Research team grant

Doctoral Schools of Corvinus University of Budapest concerned in this tender announce an application for establishing research teams led by young researchers. Research groups have to promote the involvement of PhD and MA students in research activities conducted at the Corvinus Business School respectively. It is the leader of the research team who is entitled to apply for the call with the aim of establishing research team. The period of the research activity is 5 months. After announcing the successful research team, PhD and MA students can apply for the positions within the framework of a scholarship application invited by the doctoral school. 

Objective of the tender:  

Promotion of young researchers’ research activity and promotion of instructors whose research activity contributes to progress. The program makes it possible for PhD and MA students to spend more time on research, learn the required skills and get closer to the researcher profession.

Application requirements for the position of research leader:

  • Active status of the participants during the whole research period
  • PhD degree and a classification of maximum habil. associate professor (Applications of young researchers are preferred)

Submission deadline: 5th October 2020 8:00

Call for applications

Research scholarships

MA students

Aims of the scholarship:

  • promoting academic career among MA students
  • including MA students in research activities in frame of a trainee programme, providing relevant professional experience their eventual future doctoral studies
  • supporting stutents’ research activites connected to the goals of the scholarship

Eligible applicants:

  • full-time
  • MA students of Corvinus University of Budapest 
  • with active status

In the application via neptun students apply for the research teams established in the framework of the EFOP 3.6.3 project, operating in the given application period. The applicants’ planned research activities need to fit the tender’s goals, so the aquireable skills and knowledge can support them in fulfilling requirements of their eventual future doctoral studies – which is the main purpose of this initiative. 

Amount of the scholarship: 50 000 HUF/month

Application deadline:  23:59, 8th November 2020

Application documents

PhD students

Aim of the scholarship: supporting PhD stutents’ research activites connected to the goals of the scholarship

Eligible applicants: 

  • full-time
  • PhD students of Corvinus University of Budapest 
  • with active status

In the application via neptun students apply for the research teams established in the framework of the EFOP 3.6.3. project, operating in the given application period. The applicants’ planned research activities need to fit the tender’s goals, so the aquireable skills and knowledge can support them in fulfilling requirements of their doctoral studies, as well as in obtaining their academic title – which are the main purposes of this initiative.

Amount of the scholarship: 80 000 HUF/month

Application deadline:  23:59, 8th November 2020

Application documents

Results of previous application periods

Case study contest

“Pandemic & Our Changing World”

Call for applications – Case study contest in the frameworks of the EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00007 “Young Researchers from Talented Students” project

Corvinus University of Budapest calls for applications in the frameworks of the EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00007 “Young Researchers from Talented Students” project for a case study contest that is to be entered by Master’s students from all faculties of the university.

Topic selection:  
I. thematic categoryII. thematic category
• Pandemic in the media
• Pandemic and politics
• Social challenges caused by the pandemic
• Pandemic and science
• Pandemic and technology
• Distance learning and life: opportunities and challenges
• Pandemic and industry 4.0
• Use of robots and AI during a pandemic
• Impact of COVID-19 on corporate sustainability
• Tourism businesses in times of crisis
• Impact of COVID-19 on the banking sector
• HR challenges generated by COVID-19

Besides the topic selection, the following requirements are to be followed:

  • The expected length of the case study: 4000-5000 words (including the abstract, references)
  • The main body of the case study must be introduced by a 100-150-word abstract
  • Figures and images count as 150 words (size of max. one paragraph)  

The suggested structure of the case study:

  1. Introduction: the validation, delineation of the chosen topic, stating the research question (and potential hypothesis);
  2. Positioning the topic through the introduction of the most important, relevant literature, sources (max. 500 words);
  3. Methodology – there is no limitation regarding the chosen method, innovative approaches are welcome;
  4. Elaboration of the case study, presentation of results;
  5. Recommendations, suggestions with regard to overcoming the analysed issue or challenge;
  6. List of references.
The discussed research is not a general essay, but a case study inspired by a specific issue connected to the abovementioned topics. In addition, the submitted case study must stick to the requirements and structure detailed above.
The case study can be submitted both individually and as a joint paper. In addition, thesis works transformed following the given criteria are also accepted.

Submission deadline: 07th May 2021

Prize: gross 120.000 HUF/case study, 3-3 winners from each thematic category

The case studies must be submitted using the EFOP 363 template in both Word and PDF format to  

Responsible for the I. thematic category

Dr. Nagy-Béni Alexandra alexandra.beni@uni-corvinus.hu Kommunikáció és Szociológia Intézet / Kommunikáció- és Médiatudományi Tanszék
Adjunktus / Assistant Professor
Eépület, 331

Responsible for the II. thematic category

Dr. Harmat Vanda Daniella vanda.harmat@uni-corvinus.hu
E épület, 379, 383
Phone: +36 1 482 5121 • Ext: 5121

The statement found at the end of this document must be submitted along with the case study – as part of the application.

The submitted studies will be evaluated and ranked by a Committee. The Committee include the delegates of all institutes concerned, thus ensuring equal opportunities. The six best case studies (3-3 from each thematic category) will receive a prize worth (gross) 120,000 HUF/case study. Along with the winners, the best applicants will get a chance to present their research at the award ceremony and have their research published.


Dissertation-proposal support grant

The purpose of the scholarship is to establish the basis of doctoral dissertation, to support the preparation of the draft doctoral dissertation and thus to support the advancement of BCE’s teaching and research staff in the academic fields and to obtain a degree.

Duration of the scholarship: 3 months from 1 April 2021 to 30 June 2021The amount of the scholarship: HUF 146,670 /month/ student

Application period: 9 March 2021 10:00 – 23 March 2021 16:00

Kapcsolódó dokumentumok

Education and training

Guest courses

Trainings & courses

Doctoral Rhetoric and Writing Composition

Beginner group: Thursday 17:20-18:50 (17 September – 10 December 2020)

Advanced group: Tuesday 17:20-18.50 (22 September – 15 December 2020)

Venue: TEAMS (Every participant will be enrolled to their group)

Maximum number of students: 9 per group

Registration: from 16:00 on 10 September 2020 (please click on this link)

Beginner Course Description

This class will work as an introduction to academic Rhetoric and Writing Composition for doctoral students, especially those who do not have a strong background in the publishing aspect of their fields. Emphasis will be placed on writing scholarly articles, theses and dissertations, for the purpose of classes and publishing. There will also be a little work done on research methodologies to help doctoral candidates form their own studies, questionnaires, or surveys. 
Because the maximum number of students is limited, the students’ applications for the course should be approved by the lecturer. The students will be informed via e-mail once their applications will be approved.

It is strongly advised to attend, since the content and texture of sessions will depend on the needs of the students attending. Emphasis on student needs is a must, and thus, in order to have your needs addressed, you must attend!

Class Participation
Discussion and class writing are an absolute necessity in the course. There will be a lot of discussion on topics, since many things are subjective in nature, or dependent on the best practices or conventions in your particular field. I can’t know everything; I need your input and experiences! 
1. Sep 17 Research Question vs Hypothesis vs Thesis
2. Sep 24 Citations APA and MLA
3. Oct 01 Approaches to Writing and Planning / Linking Verbs and Transitions
4. Oct 18Abstracts / Introductions / Conclusions
5. Oct 15Simplifying Verbose of Complex Writing
6. Oct 22General Issues with Varieties of English Writing
7. Nov 05Surveys and Questionnaires?
8. Nov 12Public Speaking 1
9. Nov 19Public Speaking 2
10. Nov 26Public Speaking 3
11. Dec 03Student suggest content or Papers to check
12. Dec 10Student suggest content or Papers to check

Advanced Course Description

This class will work as a workshop for papers and other writings by the participants. The emphasis is on editing, and helping them organize and prepare for assignment papers, presentations, or publication. During registration, the applicants should upload their paper/other writings they wish to work with. The students’ applications will be approved by the lecturer. The students will receive an e-mail once their applications will be approved.

Other than the first class, attendance is not mandatory, and will depend on participants who have specific writing or paper organization issues, or who want advice and the like on their scientific or academic work. After the first class, a sign up sheet will be created and distributed online to all participants, who will sign up for time slots. In general, three people can be seen for each 90-minute session.

Class Participation
The point of the sessions is to bring in things the person is working on, and to discuss, edit, and polish said works for the purposes mentioned above. The leader of the sessions is not, however, an expert in every single field of study at the university!
Session date
1. Sep 22 4. Oct 13 7. Nov 1010. Dec 01
2. Sep 29 5. Oct 208. Nov 1711. Dec 08
3. Oct 06 6. Nov 039. Nov 2412. Dec 15

Important notice

Please note that this course is funded by the EFOP-3.6.3.-VEKOP-16-2017-00007 “Young researchers from talented students – Fostering scientific careers in higher education” project. In order to participate in the Advanced class, you are obligated to make an acknowledgment on our project whenever you publish the abstract, conference paper etc. you were working on during this course.

Full text of acknowledgment: 

The present publication/presentation/programme is the outcome of the project „From Talent to Young Researcher project aimed at activities supporting the research career model in higher education”, identifier EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00007 co-supported by the European Union, Hungary and the European Social Fund. 

 The project has to be indicated on the mtmt platform as well.


Ward Jr. Stanley Allen stanley.ward@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Marketing- és Kommunikációtudományi Intézet / Interkulturális Marketing és Fogyasztói Magatartás
Mesteroktató I / Master Lecturer
E épület, 357
Phone: +36 1 482 5410 • Ext: 5410

Project assistant

Nagy Laura Emőke laura.nagy@uni-corvinus.hu
C épület
Phone: +36 1 482 7217

Publication Skill Development

Credit: 6 research credits 
Maximum number of students: 6 students 

Date: Friday 09.50-13.10 (only on the following days: Sep 25, Oct 09, Oct 16, Nov 13, Nov 27, Dec 04) 

Venue: TEAMS (every attendee will be enrolled) 

Registration: from 16:00 on 10 September 2020 (please click on this link)


The Ph.D. seminar aims to support doctoral students in crafting their research by providing students with skills essential for publication in top-tier academic sources. The course is designed for students who already have authored a research paper (e.g., assignment paper, conference paper, book chapter, etc.), which might be in preliminary or in more advanced phase, that aimed to be further developed. Hence, students bring in their preliminary studies that will be crafted within the framework of this course. The course covers the most important aspects of writing a cutting-edge publication and getting published, including the configuration of an academic paper, methods of literature review to help doctoral candidates strengthening the theoretical embeddedness of their work and managing the review process.


The course is a mixture of theory in forms of brief lectures and class discussions and practice in forms of individual counselling. We first discuss the theoretical background of each parts of how to write a cutting-edge paper, and each part of discussion will be followed by individual counselling. This counselling is one-by-one, tailored to the specific needs of the student aiming to resolve writing or paper organization issues, helping them to organize and prepare for publication. The point of this stage is to bring in the paper the student is working on and to discuss, edit and craft it. At the counselling classes, students will sign up for time slots; 3 people can be seen for each 90-minute session. It is strongly advised to attend since the content and texture of sessions will be adjusted to the specific needs of the students attending.


  • Active class participation – 20% 
  • Improvement of own paper (or literature review plan for students in early phase of research) – 60% 
  • Target journal selection and editorial letter – 20%


Each classes will be held in the 9:50-11:20 and 11:40-13:10 time slots.
125th of SeptemberIntroduction
What is a good research question and how to find one?
Do you know what is your research question?
225th of SeptemberHow to write your introduction?Update your Introduction section!
39th of OctoberCounselling
49th of OctoberCounselling
516th of OctoberHow to review the literature?Improve the theoretical embeddedness of your paper!
616th of OctoberHow to build a conceptual framework, and write a sound methods chapter?Update and improve your methods section!
713th of NovemberCounselling
813th of NovemberCounselling
927th of NovemberHow to discuss your results and submit your work to a journal?Improve the discussion part of your paper
1027th of NovemberWrap-up, feedbacks, bring your own questionsChoose a target journal and write an editorial letter
114th of DecemberCounselling
124th of DecemberCounselling


Class 1-2  Introduction & building bonds within the academic community 
  1. What makes a research question intriguing, and how to formulate a good research question? 
  2. The importance and tricks of building academic relationships with other scholars 
  3. How to write your introduction

  1. How to configure an academic paper? 
  2. What are the characteristics of a concise abstract and introduction? 
  3. How to write a strong conclusion? 

Class 3-4 
Coaching session: One-by-one counseling 
Assignment: Craft your paper based on assignments and comments 

Class 5-6 How to review the literature? 
  1. How to find and read academic papers? 
  2. How to conduct a systematic literature review? 
  3. What are the main types of literature review papers? 

  • Palmatier, R. W., Houston, M. B., & Hulland, J. (2018). Review articles: purpose, process, and structure. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46(1), 1-5. 
  • Tranfield, D., Denyer, D., & Smart, P. (2003). Towards a methodology for developing evidence‐informed management knowledge by means of systematic review. British Journal of Management, 14(3), 207-222. 

How to build and conceptual framework, and write your methods section?

  • What is a conceptual framework, what are the main variable types? 
  • How to documents what you have done in your research? (Methods section) 
  • How to present your results? 

Class 7-8 
Coaching session: One-by-one counseling 
Assignment: Craft your paper based on assignments and comments 

Class 9-10 Discussing your results, and managing the references 
  1. How to discuss your results, outline future research directions and identify limitations 
  2. How to manage citations and references? (styles of citations and references, software to manage citations) 
  3. Journal selection and managing the review process 

  1. How to choose the appropriate journal for your paper?
  2. What are predatory journals and how to avoid them? 
  3. How to correspond with a journal editor? 
  4. How to answer reviewers? 
  5. How to survive and benefit from a paper rejection? 
  6. Presentations, feedback & course evaluation 

Class 11-12 
Coaching session: One-by-one counseling 
Assignment: Craft your paper based on assignments and comments

Important notice

Please note that this course is funded by the EFOP-3.6.3.-VEKOP-16-2017-00007 project. In order to participate in this course, you are obligated to make an acknowledgment on our project whenever you publish the abstract, conference paper etc. you were working on during this course. 

The acknowledgment is the following: 

This publication/research has been supported by the European Union and Hungary and co-financed by the European Social Fund through the project EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00007, titled “Young researchers from talented students – Fostering scientific careers in higher education” 

Please inform our project assistant Laura Nagy whenever you publish the paper you worked on in the framework of the course.


Dr. Keszey Tamara tamara.keszey@uni-corvinus.hu Marketing Intézet / Marketingmenedzsment Tanszék
Egyetemi Tanár / Professor
E épület, 355
Phone: +36 1 482 5582 • Ext: 5582

Project assistant

Nagy Laura Emőke laura.nagy@uni-corvinus.hu
C épület
Phone: +36 1 482 7217

Project publications

Awards and recognitions

Creative Research Idea Award

Winners of the school year 2020/21

NameDoctoral SchoolResearch title
NKANSAH Godfred BonnahIR&PSYoung People’s Demography in Democracy: The effect of Youth Cohort Size on Youth Political Attitudes and Behaviours in Democracies (1995-2020)
MERKL MártaB&MFood design as a social and economic catalyzator
SELJÁN GÁBORE&BIArtificial intelligence in cyber security
SZCZUKA BorbálaS&CSClimate change, COVID-19 and fertility – Effects of concerns about the future on staying childfree or having fewer children in Hungary and Europe

Winners of the school year 2019/20

Name Doctoral School Tite of the doctoral research
Anna Etl-Nádudvari nternational Relations Multidisciplinary Doctoral School Equivalency FramingandStrategic Narratives in ProtractedMilitaryIntervention;Case studies on strategic communication of French and British operations
Márton Gyetvai Doctoral School of General and Quantitative Economics Bónusz-málusz rendszerek optimalizálása
Virág Ilyés Doctoral School of Sociology The Effect of Former Co-workers on Labor Market Outcomes – Evidence from Hungary 

Winners of the school year 2018/19

NameDoctoral SchoolTite of the doctoral research
Zombor Berezvai Doctoral School of Business and Management The Impact of Geographical Diversification on the Marketing Innovation and Performance of FMCG Retailers
Miklós Hajdu Doctoral School of Sociology Factors Affecting the Risks of Corruption on Local Level: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Corruption Risks on the Level of Municipalities
Júlia Palik International Relations Multidisciplinary Doctoral School Disaggreagting Peace: Challenging Theories of War through the Deviant Case-Study of the Saudi-Iranian Bilateral Relationship

Dissemination guidelines

According to the project’ regulations, the activities supported by the EFOP363 project enjoy exclusivity, ie only this project can be indicated as a funder.

In addition, each supported person is required to indicate project funding on the relevant publications and dissemination materials as follows:

  • visually (for this you can download the word and ppt templates below, as well as the bottom and top logos)
  • with the below acknolwdgement

This publication/presentation/event is the outcome of the project „From Talent to Young Researcher project aimed at activities supporting the research career model in higher education”, identifier EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00007 co-supported by the European Union, Hungary and the European Social Fund.

It is also necessary to indicate project fundig when registering publications in the mtmt system!


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