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CEHEC 2017

3rd Central European Higher Education Cooperation (CEHEC) Conference
Worry or Not – Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe
Current Trends and Scenarios for the Near Future

April 24-25, 2017
Budapest, Hungary

In 2014, CEHEC launched a new series of annual conferences co-hosted by the Center of International Higher Education Studies (CIHES) at the Corvinus University of Budapest and the Yehuda Elkana Center for Higher Education at Central European University (CEU), in collaboration with partners from the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. Each conference in this series brings together researchers, policy makers, university leaders and other experts in higher education from Central and Eastern European (CEE) region and from other parts of the world. The main aim is to stimulate scholarly and professional dialogue on current trends and key issues in the region’s higher education, as well as promote enhanced collaboration and experience sharing in higher education and science policies.

Current news
Proceedings volume is published
The proceedings of the conference has been published and is available here.

Deadline for paper submissions
We kindly inform our presenters that the deadline of the full paper submission is 20 June, 2017. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the submission or in case you anticipate that you will not be able to submit your paper by the given deadline. The template for submissions is available here.

Related documents

Photos and a videos are available
Photos taken by Mátyás Szabó and Balázs Bakker are available at the Photos & Videos section. A video on the roundtable is also published.

Keynote and parallel session presentations have been uploaded 
You can find the presentations under Abstracts and Presentations and Keynote speakers.

Final programme (including parallel sessions) is available
The final programme of the conference is available. Detailed timetable as well as all the abstracts can be found in the conference broschure.

Related documents

Early bird registion period is extended until 26 March 2017
We have received a substantial number of abstracts. Notification regarding the acceptance or rejection of the abstracts will be sent in few days. In addition the possibility to register for an early bird fee is extended until 26 March 2017. 

Abstract submission is extended until 28 February 2017
We kindly inform you that the abstract submission for the CEHEC 2017 has been extended until 28th of February 2017. Extended abstracts can be submitted  to bce.nfkk@gmail.com. Template for abstract submission can be found here.

Related documents

We hope to see you in Budapest!

Title and abstract of keynote presentation is announced
We will have six keynote lectures on the conference. The titles are as following: 

  • Andrée Sursock: European Trends in Teaching and Learning
  • Manja Klemenčič: Reaching for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Central European Higher Education 
  • Ligia Deca: Long Term Strategies for Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe: a New National Trend or an Elusive Goal?
  • Harry F. de Boer: Towards a Contractual State Model in Higher Education. Changes in the Relationship between the State and the HEIs
  • Attila Pausists: Stratification and Diversification of Higher Education: From the Social Contract to the Mission of Universities
  • Jeroen Huisman: Structural Reforms in Higher Education: Recent Experiences and the way Forward

The abstracts of presentations are available here.

Confirmed speakers & title of presentations

Andrée Sursock, Senior Adviser
European University Association (EUA)
European Trends in Teaching and Learning

Harry F. de Boer, Senior Research Associate
Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS), University of Twente 
Towards a Contractual State Model in Higher Education. Changes in the Relationship between the State and the HEIs

Manja Klemenčič, Lecturer in Sociology (of Higher Education)
Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University
Reaching for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Central European Higher Education

Ligia Deca, State Adviser 
to the Romanian President on Education and Research
Long Term Strategies for Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe: a New National Trend or an Elusive Goal?


Attila Pausists, head
Department for Continuing Education Research and Educational Management, Danube University Krems
Stratification and Diversification of Higher Education: From the Social Contract to the Mission of Universities

Jeroen Huisman, professor
Centre for Higher Education Governance Ghent, Ghent University
Structural Reforms in Higher Education: Recent Experiences and the way Forward

Conference Theme
In an atmosphere of declining enthusiasm and support for higher education, the 2017 Central European Higher Education Cooperation (CEHEC) conference proposes to scrutinize the chief reforms in higher education in the region over the past decade, identify the most important current trends and discuss possible future scenarios for the near future. Presentations should focus on the analysis and evaluation of institutional, national or regional policies, look into experiences and lessons learned from reform processes, or discuss current and forecast future trends. Papers should be submitted in one of the four main areas: 
1)    Management
2)    Funding and governance
3)    Teaching and learning
4)    Research and development

The call invites papers dedicated to the higher education sector in the CEE region, but relevant contributions from other regions are also welcome, including comparative studies.  We expect conceptual, as well as empirical papers.

Important deadlines
1st  December 2016         
Conference registration & Abstract submission starts
28th  February 2017
Submission of extended abstracts ends (extended deadline)
10th  March 2017
Results of extended abstract reviews announced
26th  March 2017
Early bird registration ends
15th April 2017
Registration deadline

The website of the 1st CEHEC conference can be found here.

The website of the 2nd CEHEC conference can be found here.

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