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Would you like to study abroad? These international opportunities are waiting for you at Corvinus University.

2023-10-03 09:43:00

Apply for our Erasmus+, CEMS, Double Degree, and bilateral programs! The application period runs from November 6th to 19th.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

You can study at our prestigious partner universities and also gain international experience that will be advantageous in your future career. During your studies abroad, you can deepen your professional knowledge and build international connections that you can leverage in your career. 


Before applying, please make sure to thoroughly read this year’s application guidelines, which will be available from October 16th. The requirements change from year to year, so it’s worth taking the time to review them carefully. 


For more detailed information, click here! 


Partial Studies 

Erasmus+ and Bilateral Programs 


Among the main focuses of Erasmus+ are the development of key competencies and skills, as well as the support for improving existing language skills. So far, the program has supported more than four million students in gaining international experience. At Corvinus, approximately 500-600 students travel to foreign universities each year, and we host a similar number of incoming students. 

We hope that soon foundation universities can also benefit from EU higher education support, making it possible for students securing international positions for the 2024-25 academic year to receive Erasmus+ funding. 

If EU funding is not available during the outbound trips, we will be able to provide scholarships from other sources for international partial studies at Erasmus+ partner universities to a similar extent as Erasmus+ support. 


Apart from Erasmus+ (bilateral programs): 

Corvinus University has outstanding internationally recognized partner universities not only in countries covered by the Erasmus+ program but also worldwide. This allows you to spend your semester abroad not only within Europe but also in places like Australia, Singapore, the USA, or even Brazil. Currently, there is no Erasmus+ scholarship available to cover the costs of studying abroad, and we will keep you informed about any available funding options. 

It’s essential to know that financial support for bilateral programs is not automatic. Therefore, we recommend applying for these opportunities if you can secure financing from other sources for your international semester. 

Who is eligible?  

As an undergraduate or master’s student, you can apply as early as your first semester, while doctoral students can apply in their third semester. 

Why should you apply?  

Through the Erasmus+ and bilateral programs, you can study as a guest student at one of Corvinus University’s internationally recognized partner universities. Credits earned during your foreign studies can be transferred to your home program. By carefully selecting the universities you apply to, you can fulfill both mandatory and elective courses while abroad. During your semester abroad, you can gain valuable professional and cultural experiences, improve your language skills, and build international friendships at prestigious foreign universities. 

Where to apply?  

You can apply for partial studies abroad through the MOBility Manager system. 


Double Degree Programs 

Our Double Degree programs offer you the opportunity to complete your education not only at Corvinus but also simultaneously at a foreign partner institution, allowing you to earn two diplomas at once. 

Depending on the program, you may spend certain semesters abroad, where you will need to complete specific courses defined by the partner university. The program is shorter in duration than completing the education at the two universities separately. 

Who is eligible?  

For undergraduate Double Degree programs, we welcome applications from students studying economics and management as well as applied economics. At the master’s level, we currently offer five Double Degree programs for those interested, which can be applied to by marketing, international economics and management, leadership and organization, and public economics and public policy students. 

You can double up with Double Degree! If you like the idea of the Double Degree program during your undergraduate studies, you can also apply for it during your master’s studies! 

Why should you apply?  

Through the Double Degree program, you complete the education of two universities simultaneously, earning two equivalent diplomas from the institutions. Participants in the Double Degree program have a significant advantage in the job market since, in addition to their Corvinus diploma, they also hold a recognized foreign university’s degree, demonstrating their confident language skills and international experience. 

Where to apply?  

Registration is done through the MOBility Manager system by submitting an application, including the required documents and certificates. 



The CEMS Alliance (The Global Alliance in Management Education, formerly the Community of European Management Schools) is an international collaboration of universities, multinational companies, and civil organizations. Corvinus University is the only Hungarian member of this alliance. 

The CEMS Master’s in International Management (MIM) program aims to train international professionals who can find innovative solutions to business problems. The one-year program includes one semester at Corvinus and another at a foreign partner university, along with mandatory professional experience abroad. Throughout the program, you will establish continuous connections with CEMS corporate partners, allowing you to finish the program with up-to-date knowledge and an extensive network. At the end of the program, in addition to your Corvinus diploma, you will receive the CEMS Alliance Master’s in International Management diploma. 

According to the Financial Times, having a diploma supplemented with CEMS education can result in a 40% higher salary, and it also guarantees faster employement. 

Who is eligible?  

The one-year program is open to business master’s students with advanced English proficiency and at least a 3.5 undergraduate GPA. 

Why should you apply?  

Graduates with CEMS diplomas find employment within three months, with more than 90% finding jobs. This includes both domestic and international careers, as 45% of CEMS Alumni have worked in multiple countries. 

Another advantage is building international connections. CEMS alumni can be found in 75 countries worldwide, and the community remains active after graduation. With over 70 multinational companies among CEMS corporate partners, they are eager to hire CEMS students. Both domestic and international semesters are developed in collaboration with these companies, and the Alumni mentorship program supports students in their international placements. 

Where to apply?  

Applications are submitted through the CEMS database, where you need to upload your documents and certificates. Additionally, you must apply through the MOBility system and select CEMS MIM. You can find more details about the application process on the Corvinus website. 


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