Faculty, Staff, Contact
Head of the Centre
E épület, 375
Phone: +36 1 482 5217 • Ext: 5217
Members of the Center for International Higher Education Studies
József Berács, Professor Emeritus, Corvinus University of Budapest. He was President of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) from 2006-2008 and EMAC Fellow since 2009. His interests span marketing strategy, marketing in emerging (transition) countries, market orientation, with a special focus on the internationalisation of higher education.
Zombor Berezvai is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Marketing and Communication Sciences (Corvinus University of Budapest) and Chief Economist at the Hungarian Competition Authority. He started his career as a finance manager at Procter & Gamble, and subsequently obtained his PhD in 2021. His research interests include student evaluation of teaching systems and the causes of grade inflation, but he also conducts quantitative analyses on a variety of topics.
Éva Bodnár, work-organizational psychologist, Associate Professor at the Institute of Educational Sciences, University of Pannonia. Her main field of interest is the development of the pedagogical psychological background of higher education staff. Factors of effectiveness of higher education lecturers, implementation of student-centred education, methodological possibilities, implementation of learning outcomes approach. Currently, the impact of learning outcomes-based training development on the organisation, organisational development.
Zsófia Cserdi, Assistant Professor, Institute of Marketing and Communication Sciences, Corvinus University of Budapest
András Derényi is a freelance senior expert with 30 years of experience in research, analysis, development and consultancy, mainly in the field of higher education and lifelong learning. His main areas of interest are education policy, qualifications reforms and the quality of teaching and learning.
György Drótos, associate professor at Corvinus University of Budapest, in the Institute of Management. In addition to his decades of teaching and research experience, he has also served as deputy dean, head of research center, department, and institute, and as a member of various institutional committees. As a management consultant, he has implemented projects in more than 20 higher education institutions in Hungary and abroad. One of his special interests is performance management and digitalization of universities.
Daniella Galla, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Marketing and Communication Studies (Corvinus University of Budapest)
József Golovics, Assistant Professor at Institute of Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest. His research interests include brain drain and the flow of highly skilled labour within the European Union.
Ágnes Halász, PhD student at the BCE Institute of Strategy and Management, Corvinus University of Budapest
Ildikó Hrubos, professor emeritus at the Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of Social and Political Sciences (Department of Sociology). Former vice rector for education at the CUB (2008-2008). Her main area of interest is the transformation of the institutional system of higher education in connection with the reforms of the past decades, the international trends, currently the effects of globalization on higher education.
Péter Kádár-Csoboth, higher education expert, consultant, head of the higher education segment of IFUA Horváth&Partners Ltd. Since 2000 he has been an active participant in the institutional, sectoral and development policy processes of Hungarian higher education. Since 2009 he has been working as a consultant, implementing 8-10 projects per year in Hungarian and international higher education institutions in the fields of strategy, process management, operational development, performance management and research management.
Gabriella Keczer is a professor at the Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education, University of Szeged. She obtained her PhD in 2008 in Business and Management Sciences. Her research interests include various aspects of the governance and operation of higher education, such as university governance, the changing role of universities, higher education systems and reforms.
Zsófia Kenesei is Professor at the Institute of Marketing and Communication Sciences, Corvinus University of Budapest. She is interested in service marketing and technology adoption. Her current research topics include the digitalisation of higher education and the impact of higher education technologies on learning and education.
Anita Kéri, is an Assistant Professor at the University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. She received her PhD in 2020. Higher education internationalisation and international student mobility are in the center of her research. She is currently studying university service quality, the social and cultural integration of international students and university brand pride.
Gábor Király, Professor of Sociology at the Budapest Business School. He holds degrees from Eötvös Loránd University and Maastricht University. He wrote and defended his doctoral thesis on social participation in 2009, also at Eötvös Loránd University. He is currently Dean of the Budapest Business School.
Krisztina Kolos is a professor at the Institute of Marketing and Communication Sciences at the Corvinus University of Budapest. Her professional interests focus on different aspects of service marketing. Her current research is based on the principle of digital humanism, investigating how digital technologies influence the relationship between teachers and students, and how the student experience can be shaped in digital and non-digital spaces.
Gergely Kováts is Associate Professor at the BCE Institute of Strategy and Management. His main areas of interest are institutional management and governance, and higher education policy and financing. His current research interests include model change and academic freedom.
Erzsébet Malota, Associate Professor, Institute of Marketing and Communication Sciences, Corvinus University of Budapest. Her main area of interest is the internationalization of higher education, within which her research topics include the integration and acculturation of foreign students studying in Hungarian higher education, and their perceptions and opinions of the country and higher education.
Roland Molontay, Associate Professor at the Institute of Mathematics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Head of the Human and Social Data Science Laboratory. His main interests are in network science and data science applications in the human and social sciences, with a special focus on data-driven research in higher education.
Adél Pásztor is Associate Professor at the Institute of Social and Political Sciences and Head of the Department of Sociology (Corvinus University of Budapest). Her main area of interest is research on inequalities in higher education, especially in the light of ethnicity and social status. Her current research focuses on doctoral education, academic careers and international student mobility.
István Polónyi, professor. He retired from the University of Debrecen in 2023 and is currently a Research Professor at John Wesley Theological College His research interests include educational economics and education-policy.
Zoltán Rónay, habilitated Associate Professor at the Institute of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, ELTE, Vice-Dean for Education, and Head of Quality Management at ELTE. His areas of interest include the regulation and operation of higher education, the management of higher education institutions, academic freedom and institutional autonomy, the legal framework of the operation and organisation of public education, the rights and obligations of students and teachers, legal awareness and legal education in teacher education.
Judit Sass, Associate Professor at the University of Pannonia, psychologist specialising in work and organisational psychology. Her research interests focus on organisational trust, climate, emotions and well-being, as well as learning engagement, talent management and competencies of higher education students. Her current research interests include: emotions and boredom in organisations; organisational well-being in a work-across-lifespan approach.
József Temesi, Professor Emeritus, Corvinus University of Budapest. Former Vice-Rector for Education and Science at Budapest University of Economics (1995-2004), President of the Society for Operations Research (2006-2008), President of the Society for Economic Modelling since 2012. Interests: operations research, decision theory, higher education policy. Bologna consultant and higher education expert.
Pál Veres is a retired Associate Professor, Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest, and a Lecturer at Milton Friedman University. His main research interests are in the dynamic relationship between the education system and education policy, with a special focus on the institutional aspects of governance and funding and their relationship (most recent research/publications on the impact of the new (public foundation) maintenance system on university autonomy, the dynamic approach to autonomy and academic freedom).
The Management of CIHES
E épület, 375
Phone: +36 1 482 5217 • Ext: 5217
Former Directors of CIHES
Members of CIHES
András DERÉNYI works for the Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development in Budapest as a research fellow in the field of higher education. His main field of interest is the process and tools that promote quality of teaching and learning at system level as well as in institutions in higher education. He also deals with higher education policy and institutional strategies. He is involved in strategic planning and policy making in HEIs, and is invited in several research and development activities.
Zsuzsanna GERING is a research fellow at Budapest Business School; meanwhile she is doctoral candidate at Corvinus University of Budapest (Institute of Sociology and Social Policy). Her main research field and also the topic of her PhD dissertation is corporate social responsibility (CSR) and CSR discourse. For 7 years she has worked as a consultant specialising in corporate social responsibility. She received her Master’s in Sociology and Economic Policy in 2002.She is leader of a research project about the future of higher education at Budapest Business School.
Visiting professors and fellows
Previous members of CIHES
Ottó DÓKA, egyetemi tanár, Nyugat-Magyarországi Egyetem
Iván FALUS, egyetemi tanár, Eszterházy Károly Főiskola
Ákos JOBBÁGY, egyetemi tanár, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
Orsolya KÁLMÁN, egyetemi tanársegéd, ELTE
Zsófia KENESEI, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
Györgyné KERÉKGYÁRTÓ, egyetemi tanár, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
László LIMBACHER, szakmai főtanácsadó, Oktatási és Kulturális Minisztérium
Beatrix SZARVAS, egyetemi docens, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
Júlia VARGA, egyetemi docens, Közgazdaságtudományi Kar, Emberi erőforrások tanszék
Zsuzsanna DÖME, coordinator