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Faculty, Staff, Contact

Head of the Centre

Kováts Gergely gergely.kovats@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Vezetéstudományi Intézet / Nemzetközi Felsőoktatási Kutatások Központ
Igazgató / Director
E épület, 375
Phone: +36 1 482 5217 • Ext: 5217

The Management of CIHES

Gergely KOVÁTS, executive director of CIHES, and senior lecturer of the Institute of Management, Faculty of Business Administration. He has been serving as the secretary of the Office for Quality Development since 2007. His main fields of interest are institutional management and governance, higher education policy and funding, but he also teaches and pursuit research in organizational theory and public management.

Kováts Gergely gergely.kovats@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Vezetéstudományi Intézet / Nemzetközi Felsőoktatási Kutatások Központ
Igazgató / Director
E épület, 375
Phone: +36 1 482 5217 • Ext: 5217

Former Directors of CIHES

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

 József BERÁCS, professor at the Faculty of Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest and College of Kecskemét. He served as President of European Marketing Academy (EMAC) in  2006-2008. Since 2009 he is EMAC fellow. His research interest is marketing strategy, marketing in emerging (transition) economies, market orientation, especially in the process of  internationalization of higher education.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

 Ildikó HRUBOS, professor emerita, Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of Sociology and Social Policy. Her research interest (in the last 25 years) is international trends in higher education, especially the transformation of the higher education systems in concequence of massification and the effects of the globalisation.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

 József TEMESI, Faculty of Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest. He served the University as Vice-Rector for educational and scientific affairs from 1995 to 2004. President of the Hungarian Operations Resesarch Society (2006-2008), President of the Economic Modelling Society from 2012. His research areas are: operations research, decision theory, higher education policy. Bologna promoter of Hungary, higher education expert.

Members of CIHES

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

 András DERÉNYI works for the Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development in Budapest as a research fellow in the field of higher education. His main field of interest is the process and tools that promote quality of teaching and learning at system level as well as in institutions in higher education. He also deals with higher education policy and institutional strategies. He is involved in strategic planning and policy making in HEIs, and is invited in several research and development activities.  

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

 Zsuzsanna GERING is a research fellow at Budapest Business School; meanwhile she is doctoral candidate at Corvinus University of Budapest (Institute of Sociology and Social Policy). Her main research field and also the topic of her PhD dissertation is corporate social responsibility (CSR) and CSR discourse. For 7 years she has worked as a consultant specialising in corporate social responsibility. She received her Master’s in Sociology and Economic Policy in 2002.She is leader of a research project about the future of higher education at Budapest Business School. 

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

 József GOLOVICS is a lecturer at Department of Comparative and Institutional Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest. Ha is also a PhD student at the International Relations Multidisciplinary Doctoral School of CUB. His research interest focuses on brain drain and international mobility of high skilled workers in the European Union. 

Éva HIDEG, professor, Faculty of Management Sciences, Corvinus University of Budapest. She served as a member of Management Committee at COST A22 (Foresight Methodologies – Exploring New Way to Explore the Future) and she was the manager of the Hungarian participants in 2004-2007. Her research interest comprises theoretical and practical issues of foresight and within of them the future of vocational training and higher education.  

Péter KÁDÁR-CSOBOTH, higher education expert and senior consultant at IFUA Horváth&Partners

Gabriella KECZER, is an associate professor at the University of Szeged, Faculty of Pedagogy. She obtained PhD in Management and Business Administration Sciences in 2008. Her research interest is university management; including university governance, the changing role of universities, higher education systems and reforms.

Gábor KIRÁLY, sociologist. He was graduated as sociologist at Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences and at University of Maastricht. His dissertation was written about the issues of public participation. The  dissertation was defended in 2009 also at Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences. In recent years, he contributed to several participatory projects and events either as organiser or as facilitator. At the moment, he is associate professor at Budapest Business School, and senior lecturer at Corvinus University of Budapest’s Institute of Sociology and Social Policy.

Major-Kathi Veronika, coordinator at Tempus Foundation

Gábor NAGY, assistant professor of marketing at INSEEC Busiess School, Paris. His research interests cover management factors and organizational contingencies effecting the internationalization of higher education institutions, business networks and their effect on learning and innovativeness of firms as well as market orientation and its effect on competitive advantage and business performance of firms, strategic fit and its effect on business performance of firms, resources and capabilities and their effect on competitive advantage and business performance of firms, antecedents of SME internationalization and their performance consequences and luxury marketing for millennials.

István POLÓNYI is professor at University of Debrecen Faculty of Arts. He is worked in the 90 years in the Ministry of Culture and Education. In 2000 he was appointed university professor of the University of Debrecen. His education areas: management, human resources management, economics of education. His research areas: economics of education, education policy, labour economics.

Pál VERES, teacher, associate professor on pension, Corvinus Univerity of Budapest, Faculty of Economics. 1985-2012 deputy head and professional adviser of the Department of Higher Education in the Ministry of National Resource and its predecessors.  His research interest is Higher Education policy and system with focus on governance and funding, applied institutional economics.

Zsuzsanna VEROSZTA, senior researcher of Educatio Non-Profit LLC. She is responsible for the operation of the Hungarian Graduate Career Tracking System and the related research program. Her research interest covers employablity of graduates, students’ labor market expectations and motivations and selection mechanisms in school to work transition.

Visiting professors and fellows

Carmen Acatrinei, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Marketing Departament (2014)

Iuliia O. Ivanova, Financial University, Department of Marketing and Logistics (Moscow) (2015)

Previous members of CIHES

Ottó DÓKA, egyetemi tanár, Nyugat-Magyarországi Egyetem

Iván FALUS, egyetemi tanár, Eszterházy Károly Főiskola

Ákos JOBBÁGY, egyetemi tanár, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem

Orsolya KÁLMÁN, egyetemi tanársegéd, ELTE

Zsófia KENESEI, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Györgyné KERÉKGYÁRTÓ, egyetemi tanár, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

László LIMBACHER, szakmai főtanácsadó, Oktatási és Kulturális Minisztérium

Beatrix SZARVAS, egyetemi docens, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Júlia VARGA, egyetemi docens, Közgazdaságtudományi Kar, Emberi erőforrások tanszék

Zsuzsanna DÖME, coordinator

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