The CIHES in connection with the ’Hungarian Higher Education’ annual conferences has published a strategic progress report in the last two years, which reviewed and assessed the most important processes in the higher education of the past year. In addition, the Research Centre regularly publishes in the CIHES working papers series the results of various researches conducted by its members. The written materials related to CIHES events also appear in this publication, while the more thorough materials are placed in books and other publications.
Strategic Progress Reports of CIHES, concerning the Hungarian higher education
Progress reports can be downloadad in English by clicking onthe links below.
Strategic progress report 2016 (in English)
Strategic progress report 2014 (in English)
Strategic progress report 2013 (in English)
Strategic progress report 2012 (in Hungarian)
CIHES Working Paper series
Working papers available in English:
- CIHES Working Paper No. 15. Central European HigherEducation Cooperation Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the 4th and 5thCEHEC conference (2020)
- CIHES Working Paper No. 14. 3rd Central European HigherEducation Cooperation Conference Proceedings (2018)
- CIHES Working Paper No. 13. Central European HigherEducation Cooperation Conference Proceedings (2017)
- CIHES Working Paper No.12. Central European Higher EducationCooperation Conference Proceedings (2015)
Working papers available in Hungarian (detailed abstract is available in English by clicking on the link):
- CIHES Working Paper No.11. Autonomies in higher education.Working papers (2013)
- CIHES Working Paper No.10. Survival techniques. HungarianHigher Education 2012. Conference papers (2013)
- CIHES Working Paper No.9. National debates – international trends. Hungarian Higher Education2011. Conference papers (2012)
- CIHES Working Paper No.8. The main types of higher educationinstitutions according to their undertaken missions and their actualactivities.International market orientation, modern institutional management.Working papers (2011)
- CIHES Working Paper No.7. Professional Teacher Training.Past – Present – Future. Conference papers (2011)
- CIHES Working Paper No.6. Hungarian Higher Education 2010. Conference papers (2010)
- CIHES Working Paper No.5. Modern pedagogical methods,endeavours. Conference papers. (2010)
- CIHES Working Paper No.4. Hungarian Higher Education 2009. Conference papers (2009)
- CIHES Working Paper No.3. Experiences of the multicycletraining in higher education. Conference papers (2009)
- CIHES Working Paper No.2. Working papers (2009)
- CIHES Working Paper No.1. Hungarian Higher Education 2008.Conference papers (2009)
Books published by CIHES
All books are in Hungarian, but a detailed abstract is available in English by clicking on the link.
- Gergely Kováts – Zoltán Rónay (Eds.) (2019): In search of excellence in higher education. CIHES, 2019.
- Gergely Kováts – József Temesi (Eds.) (2018): A magyar felsőoktatás egy évtizede. 2008-2017. (A decade in Hungarian higher Education 2008-2017) NFKK, 2018. (in Hungarian)
- Gergely Kováts (Ed.) (2016): A kancellári rendszer bevezetése a magyar felsőoktatásban. Tapasztalatok és várakozások. (The introduction of the chancellor system into the Hungarian higher education. Experience and expectations.) CIHES, Budapest, 2016. (in Hungarian)
- Ildikó Hrubos (Ed.) (2012): Elefántcsont toronyból világítótorony. A felsőoktatásiintézmények misszóinak bővülése, változása. (From Ivory Tower to Lighthouse.Expansion and Transformation of Higher Education Institutions’ Mission). AULAKiadó. Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest (in Hungarian)
- József Temesi (Ed.) (2012): Felsőoktatás finanszírozás.Nemzetközi tendenciák és a hazai helyzet (Financing higher education –International trends and national positions.) AULA Kiadó. Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest