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Ráday Dormitory

The building of Ráday Dormitory was built in 1910, based on the plans of Imre Szőts and Albin Siegel. In 2007, the building was completely renovated under a PPP arrangement. Accommodating nearly 300 students, Ráday Dormitory can be accessed by a 10-minute walk from the University’s main building and is located in Ráday Street. In the six-storey building, there are rooms with 2, 3 or 4-beds, and most of them are designed so that two rooms have a common bath room (with wash basin, shower and toilet) to be cleaned, as their shared responsibility, by students using them; and only a few rooms have an own bathroom. On each floor, there is a washing-ironing room with two automatic washing machines and one dryer; there is a kitchen with two electric stoves equipped with a safety switch, one microwave oven, a pantry room, and lockable kitchen cabinets; and there is a shared toilet. There is a glass-roofed function room in the inner courtyard of the “H”-shaped building of the dormitory.

In each room, there is an internet connection endpoint for each student to access the WIFI network, which was significantly expanded in 2020. On the ground floor, there is a TV room and a club room/function room (Közgarden); and in the hall, there is a ping-pong table, a lounge area, one study rooms, and a bicycle storage room. A gym, which was rejuvenated in 2021, is available to those wishing to exercise.

Organisations housed in the building include College of Social Theory (TEK), College for Advanced Studies of the Society of Young Autonomous Economists (FAKT), and College for Advanced Studies of Diplomacy in Practice (GYDSZ). Each College for Advanced Studies has a separate office, and the College for Advanced Studies of Social Theory has also a community room and a library in the building.  

Useful Information

Reception Service

  • There is a reception service of 0-24 hours in the building.
  • Receptionists ensure, by checking the photo on entrance cards, that the persons using them are the cardholders indeed; and they briefly check the identity of residents entering the dormitory.
  • An entrance card may only be used by the person authorized to use it, and handing it over to others will result in a disciplinary procedure.
  • The main entrance of the dormitory is closed between 24:00 and 06:00. You can leave with a push button outside, the receptionist gives permission to enter by pressing a button inside.
  • There is a first aid box at the reception. Here you can ask for band-aids or bandages.
  • You can borrow cleaning tools (broom, shovel, mop, vacuum cleaner, iron) at the reception by depositing your entrance card, the borrowed tools must be entered in the register at the reception. The receptionist will keep the access card for the duration of the use of the borrowed device.

Entrance Control System

  • The dormitory has a turnstile entrance system operated with an entrance card. An entrance card is given to each resident when moving in the dormitory.
  • Residents are required to use their cards when entering or leaving the building; stepping over or crawling under the entrance system or transferring an entrance card to anybody else is FORBIDDEN!
  • Upon losing your card, please write a letter to the e-mail address raday.seniorok@uni-corvinus.hu , so that our system administrator may issue a new card to you for a fee, which you are requested to pay at the Dormitory Operation Unit. 

Rules of Receiving Visitors

  • Residents may receive visitors free of charge every day from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. (up to three individuals; above three, a written permission is required).
  • A Resident may receive a maximum of one visitor every day from 11 pm to 7 am with the unanimous consent of the resident’s roommate(s).
  • The fee for receiving a visitor is included in the Regulation on Student Fees and Benefits (HUF 1,500/person/occasion).
  • Such fee items will be registered in Neptun for students with a student status with Corvinus University. And they will be invoiced during the vocational college to residents with no student status.
  • Such registration/invoicing will be based on a register maintained by the Reception Service (Register of Visitors), which must be filled in and signed by residents when giving notification of their intention to receive visitors.
  • The Register of Visitors at the Reception must be maintained in such a way that the name Neptun Code and room number of the Resident receiving a visitor and the exact dates of the calendar days and the exact timing affected by the visit can be clearly identified, and it must be signed by the Resident upon receiving the visitor concerned. The name of the visitor and the number of the certificate with photo used for verifying the visitor’s identity must also be entered in the Register.
  • After the completion of the administration of visitor registration, the Resident receives a permit for receiving visitors, on the basis of which the Resident’s visitor may receive a temporary guest entrance card, and thus the visitor can stay in the Dormitory.
  • The Resident receiving the visitor is fully responsible for the visitor’s behaviour.
  • A Resident may receive visitors at maximum of 15 occasions per month for a fee, a maximum of one person at a time, and a visitor may remain in the Dormitory for a maximum of three times a week for a fee. In case of violating this rule, the Resident may not receive a visitor involving fee payment in the month following the month of the violation.
  • A Resident who seriously violates the Rules of Receiving Visitors may be restricted in, or banned from, receiving visitors for a definite period of time; and a visitor who violates the Rules of Receiving Visitors or the House Rules may be excluded from being received, or, in more serious cases, such visitor’s entry into the Dormitory may be restricted.
  • If, during an inspection, Dormitory employees find a visitor staying in the building without a permit, then the Resident receiving the visitor may be given a penalty point. Any individual staying inside without permission may be banned from the Dormitory.
  • Minor visitors may be received by a resident only if the visitor is a direct relative (e.g., sibling) of the resident receiving the visitor and the parents or legal representatives have given their written consent to receiving the visitor. For receiving minor visitors, the Dormitory manager’s permission and roommates’ written statements of consent are also required. Even with certificates and permissions obtained, minor visitors may be accommodated only in rooms inhabited by residents of the same gender. 


Residents of the Ráday Dormitory belong to the General Practitioner District 2 of District 9 of Budapest.

  • Address: 1093 Budapest, Közraktár u. 24.
  • Phone: +36 1 217 0714
  • General Practitioner in the District: Dr. Judit Palkó 
Consulting hours:15.00-18.008.00-12.0015.00-18.008.00-12.008.00-12.00

Mental health, psychologist

Mental health professionals at Student Support provide individual counseling free of charge for all Corvinus University students on psychology, learning, and career topics.

Information about counseling: here

Counseling sessions are not for handling healthcare or immediate care situations. In case immediate assistance is needed for you or someone you know:

  • In case of suicidal intention or a medical emergency, call 112, which is the national emergency number.
  • If you are in a crisis and you have suicidal thoughts, seek help Péterfy Hospital Crisis Ambulance

Address: Budapest, 1074. Alsóerdősor street 7.
Call by phone: +3670 934 1051 (Mon-Fri: 9:00-15:00)
By email: intervencio@peterfykh.hu

Internet Access

Wired internet:
• Each room has a wall mounted wired endpoint for connecting a UTP ethernet cable.
• Currently, no registration is required for using the wired internet, a situation that may change in future.

• The WiFi network of the Dormitory is operated as an additional service.
• In some rooms, there is no proper internet coverage and network reliability is highly dependent on web workloads.
• Wired connection is recommended to ensure a reliable access to the Internet.
• WiFi connection requires no special registration, knowing the password is sufficient.

• To connect to the computer network without authorisation and to carry out any illegal activity by using it.
• To attack the network or network devices in any way.
• To share the network connection in any way (either through router or computer).
• To operate your own WiFi network.
• To use file sharing software on the network (dc, torrent, etc.). Such act will result in a one-month suspension of the service and will be reported immediately to the staff of the IT Service Centre of Corvinus in addition to the leadership of the Dormitory. The user concerned may expect further legal action on the part of the University, the consequences of which must also be borne by the user who violates this rule.
In case of violation of the above, the service will be suspended for a certain period of time, which will not result in a refund of the fee paid for the service. The disabling of the user cannot be postponed, it will take effect immediately.

If you notice some fault or have a problem with the network, please report it to the e-mail address raday.seniorok@uni-corvinus.hu.

Reporting Faults

  • Please report any technical faults found upon moving in, or during the year, to the Operation unit by writing to the e-mail address raday.service@uni-corvinus.hu
  • (Deficiencies and faults recorded on inventory sheets will not be automatically repaired or replaced, unless a notification is received at the above e-mail address.)
  • Errors/deficiencies discovered during move-in can be reported via the MANDATORY inventory application sheet (Power Apps: Dormitory room inventory) or, in the case of students from other universities, via the Dormitory room inventory form organized for this purpose. Their availability is ensured through notice boards/online platforms.
  • Operation will begin to rectify a reported fault within working hours. After working hours he responds immediately in cases of emergency/force majeure situations.

Study Room

  • There are a study room on the first floor of the Dormitory, room 101, which is constantly available to residents.
  • The Dormitory bears no liability for any items left unattended in the study rooms.


Cleaning Tools

List of tools that can be borrowed at the Reception by depositing your entrance card:

  • broom and shovel
  • bucket and mop
  • iron
  • vacuum cleaner
  • ping-pong racket and balls 

Washing, ironing Facilities

  • On each floor of the six floors (1-6) of the Dormitory, there are two automatic washing machines in the laundry rooms; and on each of the floors, there is a dryer and there is an ironing stand on each level
  • There is a reservation table for dryers in the laundry rooms, please keep the reservations. An iron can be borrowed at the front desk.
  • It is the common responsibility and interest of residents to use devices properly and to keep them clean.
  • Cleaning the water collection tanks and lint collectors is the responsibility of the user, and extra attention is expected.

Ping-pong, board games and TV room

  • In the lobby of the Dormitory, a foldable ping-pong table is available for residents, which can be used from 08:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
  • You can borrow ping-pong rackets and balls at the Reception.
  • Inquire about borrowing board games from the Student Goverment’s Dormitory Division.
  • TV room is located on the ground floor. You can pick up a key at the reception upon registration.


The Dormitory has a gym on the ground floor, the use of which requires a fee payment and is subject to prior registration. The QR code/link of the questionnaire related to the registration will be sent out in the moving-in letter and can also be found on the dormitory notice boards and at the entrance to the fitness room.

Usage information in the Conditermi Regulations:
The gym can be used only by members of Ráday Dormitory of Corvinus (Visitors not!).

  • Anyone using the equipment does so at their own risk, being aware of their fitness.

Gym usage policy:
I. All gym users are required to:

  • comply with rules contained in this Regulation and the House Rules of the Dormitory;
  • keep rooms in order and clean;
  • turn off the lights and close the windows, if leaving the room as the last user.

II. How to use the gym:

  • Check the condition of the machines and equipment when entering the room. Upon detecting any irregularity or any technical fault, report it to the receptionist immediately so that the responsibility of the previous user can be clarified. The problems experienced must be emailed also to maintenance (raday.service@uni-corvinus.hu), so that they can address the issue.
  • Staying and training in the gym is allowed only if you wear gym clothes and replacement sports shoes.
  • Use all equipment only for doing exercise for which they are intended.
  • Attach any unattached weights to the bar when using the equipment.
  • Uncovered body parts must not come into contact with benches, towels must be used.
  • Put back all tools used in place after completing your exercise.
  • You are recommended to warm up properly before training in order to prevent injuries.
  • At least two people should if possible be in the room at the same time, in order to avoid possible injuries or accidents.

III. Liability:

  • Anyone using the equipment does so at their own risk. The Dormitory bears no liability for any accidents in the room.
  • Liability for any damage to any equipment must be borne by the person causing it or, if this cannot be established on the basis of the register at the reception, then the gym user community of the dormitory. 

IV. In the room it is FORBIDDEN:

  • to work with an unfixed disc weight,
  • to relax on any equipment,
  • to stay under the influence of alcohol,
  • to smoke,
  • to eat or be loud,
  • to take tools out of the room. 

The security key for the treadmill is available at the reception.

Bicycle Storage Room

In front of the Reception of the Dormitory, a closed bicycle storage room that can be opened with entrance cards is also at the service of residents, which is suitable either for storing their own bicycles.

Use can only be done at your own risk up to the capacity. The fact of use must be made through the regular notification form. The form is available from the day you move in by scanning the QR codes posted on the notice boards and on the door of the bicycle storage.

Reimbursement fees

Dormitory reimbursement fees are primarily regulated by international program funding and the agreements between universities, and as well as the Student Requirements System Volume 4 / Student Reimbursement and Benefit Regulations No. 6. Annex included.

Seniors Supporters

  • Senior Supporters based on their assignment::
  • Perform tasks entrusted to them by the Head of the Dormitory;
  • Collaborate with, and support the work of, Dorm Managers and Technical Administrators of Dormitories;
  • Help with the work of the Student Government’s Dormitory Division;
  • Supervise, and make others comply with, the provisions of the House Rules of Dormitories and other Regulations, as well as the norms of cohabitation;
  • Help residents of Dormitories in getting integrated and solving problems;
  • Be on duty under a pre-arranged schedule as part of the 0-24 hour on-call duty provided in the building.  
Seniors in the 2022/23 academicy year
Zsófia PanákGeneral students’ affairs
Dániel PáterKeeping in contact with Colleges for Advanced Studies
László Hegedűs Assisting the work of Dorm Division / Supervision of the Gym
Zoltán MarótiPerforming system administrator tasks
Viktória RónyaiGeneral students’ affairs

Contact us

  • Central email address: radaykoli@uni-corvinus.hu
  • Phone number: +36 1 482 7585
  • Phone number of Reception Service: +36 1 482 7581 (Mainly Hungarian speaking)
  • Address: 1092 Budapest, Ráday utca 43-45. 

Customer Service Opening Hours:

  • Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.-15:00 p.m.
  • Friday 09:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 

The above customer opening hours may change in the following cases:

Due to a meeting/other administration tasks and other reasons when I have to be out of the office.

In this case, contact via email address (radaykoli@uni-corvinus.hu) is preferred.

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