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The Corvinus Centre for Horizon Europe Reports on Successful Grant Applications, New Grant Opportunities, Running and Upcoming International Projects and Trainings for Researchers

2020 – A Successful Year in International Research Grant Applications

2020 – A Successful Year in International Research Grant Applications

14 Horizon grant applications were submitted with the participation or coordination of Corvinus University of Budapest in 2020.

During the year 2020, 14 Horizon grant applications were submitted with the participation or coordination of Corvinus University of Budapest. Expert support with the preparation of the proposals and individual consultations were provided by the research support team to faculty members according to their request. Out of the 14 proposals submitted, 4 were evaluated positively by the European Commission, which means an annual success rate of 28,5%, which is more than the double of the 12% average success rate of eligible H2020 proposals on the EU level. The new grants allocated to our institution amount to 1 337 054 EUR.

A report on the first two successful grant applications – entitled “MEDIATIZED-EU” and “SAPIENS” – was included in the December issue of this Research Newsletter. Since then, two other project proposals have been assessed positively, both of which are exceptional in the research portfolio of the University:

  • TRADE4SD – Fostering the positive linkages between trade and sustainable development” is the first Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Project in which Corvinus is the consortium leader, represented by Professor Attila Jámbor, Head of the Department of Agrobusiness. The consortium consists of 14 partners, including 6 universities, several research centres, an SME and a UN organization. The proposal scored 14,5 points out of 15, which is truly exceptional.

About the project in a nutshell:

Trade has the power to produce positive outcomes when the policies which define the rules of the game are framed and designed in a way to promote access to markets, fair prices, and standards of living for farmers, as well as alleviating rural poverty and ensuring sustainable farming practices. The main objective of TRADE4SD is to contribute to the building of new opportunities for fostering the positive sustainability impacts of trade supported by improved design and the framing of trade policy at national, EU and a global level, including WTO modernization, increased policy coherence in different domains including agricultural, energy, climate, environmental and nutritional policies. In addition to leading the consortium, the Corvinus team is responsible for the theoretical grounding, exploring, and quantifying the links between trade and the Sustainable Development Goals, and for the trade-based modelling of social issues.

  • FooDization – Digital transformation: exploring the role of digital data for food new product development” received a remarkable 95,6% score in the evaluation process in February. This is the first Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship project hosted by Corvinus. The proposal was prepared by an Italian Researcher (currently a CIAS junior research fellow) Dr Frau Moreno, who is supervised by Dr. Tamara Keszey, Head of the Department of Marketing at Corvinus.

About the project in a nutshell:

FooDization aims to explore how low-tech firms are digitally transformed and to provide a theoretical framework concerning how digital data are employed for new product development. The research will adopt an exploratory sequential mixed methods design. Combining methods is needed to qualitatively explore the constructs involved in such phenomenon and quantitatively test and generalize the results to a larger population.

Both projects will start on 1 June 2021.

European Green Deal Calls submitted

The European Green Deal Call was the last and biggest call under Horizon 2020, with the aim to make Europe the first climate neutral continent by 2050. Corvinus research teams participated in 4 proposals.

The European Commission has launched the €1 billion European Green Deal Call, as the last and biggest call under Horizon 2020, aiming to make Europe the first climate neutral continent by 2050, with a sustainable economy that leaves no one behind. 

After 5 months of active networking and preparations, Corvinus professionals joined four consortia – via these consortia they have been cooperating with 51 partner organisations in Europe and beyond – and submitted their Green Deal proposals on 26 January 2021. The four research group leaders are: Proessor György Lengyel, Dr Lilla Tóth, Dr Alexandra Köves and Professor Ágnes Zsóka. Proposals are going to be evaluated by June 2021.
 Getting ready for Horizon Europe 2021-2027

The new Research and Innovation Framework Programme of the European Commission has been launched, the first calls for proposals will be open from April. Draft preliminary versions of some calls are already available online.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
The new Framework Programme of the European Commission, called Horizon Europe (HE), succeeded Horizon 2020 from 1st January 2021. The first calls for proposals will be open at the EU Funding and Tenders Portal from 15th April, however unofficial “draft” versions of the Work programme are already available online or in this folder. It is important to remember that these drafts may change, yet they can give researchers detailed clues as to what kind of projects will be funded during the next two years. For more information on the HE grant opportunities please visit the website of the Corvinus Centre for Horizon Europe. Should you need advice or support, you can reach our research support team via email at horizon@uni-corvinus.hu, or you may notify us of your interest in international projects by filling out this online form.

Information Events, Training Opportunities and Consultations

The Corvinus Centre for Horizon Europe offers research support services, such as information events, training courses, individual consultations, and an updated website with practical guidance for faculty interested in international research grant opportunities.

On 12 January 2021, the Corvinus Centre for Horizon Europe held two successful information events as part of the Corvinus Research Week. You can read our report about these events in Hungarian.

In order to support researchers in turning their research ideas into competitive European grant proposals, the Corvinus Centre for Horizon Europe offers special English language training courses to faculty members. The courses were piloted with the participation of 20 researchers between 25 January and 16 February 2021. Participants received a Horizon Europe Preparation Toolkit including the presentations and further information material. The two modules addressed the following topics:

I. Writing Horizon Europe grant proposals (4×1,5hrs)

II. Skills and best practices for your successful Horizon Europe participation (5×1,5hrs presentations, 5x 1,5hrs of practical skills training)
  1. Finding partners for Horizon Europe projects
  2. Pitching your research idea
  3. Negotiate your interests in a consortium
  4. Navigate your way through the Consortium Agreement and the Grant Agreement
  5. Dissemination, exploitation, and communication in Horizon Europe
This curriculum will be adjusted based on the first experiences and will be offered again this spring, as one of the official internal trainings for Corvinus academic staff, when we will also add a third, new module on:
  1. Horizon Europe Excellent Science pillar grants for early-career researchers
  2.  Horizon Europe Excellent Science pillar grants for experienced researchers
More information on the training schedule and registration are available online via this link.

Please note that individual consultations on research grant related matters are available to our faculty all year long, you only need to send an email to horizon@uni-corvinus.hu to make an appointment.

Last, but not least we would like to draw your attention to the website of the Corvinus Centre for Horizon Europe that is regularly updated with new content on international grant opportunities.

International Project News

foRMAtion Erasmus+ project: piloting the new curriculum

A report on the ERASMUS+ funded international project called foRMAtion - Innovative and smart module for potential Research Managers and Administrators in higher education was given in the previous issue of this newsletter.

During the current spring semester, 3 partner Universities – Corvinus, NOVA University Lisbon and Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania – are testing a pilot course among bachelor students on the basis of the curriculum developed in 2020 for the first time. The aim of the course is to provide a basic insight into the career of research managers, the major drivers of EU policies impacting research policy while developing students’ transversal and practical skills in the field. The teachers of the three universities share their experience with each other and give input to the finalisation of the curriculum and the teaching materials based on the students’ feedback and their own experience.
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