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Marketing Program

The Doctoral Program in Marketing is an opportunity for those who seek to make a lasting impact in the field of marketing. By building a community of scholars committed to excellence, innovation, and societal relevance, this program aims to shape the future of marketing research, education, and practice. Aspiring doctoral candidates are invited to embark on this intellectually stimulating journey, where they will contribute to the advancement of marketing knowledge and emerge as influential leaders in academia and industry.

Corvinus University of Budapest

Dr. Zsófia Kenesei

Director of Doctoral Program

Corvinus University of Budapest

Imre Fertő

Head of Doctoral School

„I am researching, working on and teaching my PhD subject at the same time”

The PhD story of Jenő Mátyás Hartyándi

“The past years were full of self-development”

The PhD story of Yuling Wei

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Why the Marketing Program?

In the dynamic landscape of global business, the role of marketing has evolved into a multifaceted and strategic discipline that requires advanced insights, groundbreaking research, and innovative methodologies. The Doctoral Program in Marketing represents an opportunity for aspiring scholars and industry professionals to delve into the depths of marketing theory, empirical research, and real-world applications. This program is designed to cultivate the next generation of thought leaders, researchers, and educators who will contribute significantly to the advancement of marketing knowledge and practice.


The program is structured to provide a deep understanding of the theoretical foundations of marketing, while also emphasizing the development of advanced research skills. Participants will engage with cutting-edge concepts in digital marketing, co-creation, retail and service innovations, artificial intelligence, design, and other pivotal areas, preparing them to address the challenges and opportunities presented by today’s ever-evolving markets.

The doctoral program places a strong emphasis on producing high-impact research that contributes to the academic literature and informs marketing practice. Participants will be guided through the research process, from formulating compelling research questions to employing rigorous methodologies. Through collaborative research projects, international conferences, and exposure to diverse marketing practices, doctoral candidates will be equipped to address marketing challenges on a global scale.

Recognizing the interdisciplinary nature of contemporary marketing challenges, the program encourages collaboration with other fields such as psychology, economics, data science, and management. This approach broadens the scope of research and encourages innovative solutions to complex marketing issues. To bridge the gap between theory and practice, the program facilitates collaborations with industry partners. This engagement ensures that research remains relevant to real-world marketing challenges, and doctoral candidates gain insights into industry dynamics.

In addition to conducting cutting-edge research, participants will have the opportunity to develop their teaching skills. The program aims to produce educators who can effectively convey complex marketing concepts to diverse audiences, preparing them for impactful roles in academia.


The application criteria as well as the general rules of the admission procedure are listed in Section 15 of the University Doctoral Regulations, which is available here.

The list of documents to be submitted is available here!

In the application for admission, applicants must specify which programme they are applying for.

Applicants must consult the Programme Director in advance (before submitting the application file) and must include a written recommendation from the Programme Director supporting the fact of the grant.

Applicants must submit their research proposal in English. The oral interview will be held in English.

The expected length of the research plan to be submitted in the application is 5 pages, excluding references.  The proposed structure of the research plan is set out in Annex 2 to the Regulations of the Doctoral School.

The written examination concerns the field of management and organizational sciences, in particular knowledge of the research methodology and the subject of specialization chosen by the applicant.

The oral exam serves to assess the applicant’s motivation, professional commitment and aptitude to perform educational and research tasks.

The admission decision is based on a preliminary review of the submitted application materials and the outcome of the oral interview.

The evaluation system for the admission examination is set out in Annex 1 to the Regulations of the Doctoral School

For the 2024/2025 academic year, we welcome applications related to the following research projects led by our top researchers:

A Projekt 1 és a Projekt 2 tantárgy során az adatelemzési és a módszertani feladatokat a hallgatók csoportban végzik. A hallgató a Projekt 1 és 2 tantárgyak során sajátítja el a tudományos megnyilvánulás azon elemeit, amelyek használata a 3. fejezet sikeres megírásához elengedhetetlen 

Retailers increasingly introduce digital innovations to serve customers, operate their businesses, and manage supplier relationships more effectively.

This trend opens up several research avenues in both consumer and corporate research. In the first case, one can study consumer behaviour related to digital innovations in store, online, and mobile environments. In the second case, candidates can investigate the impact of digital innovations on various aspects of retail performance. Both research directions have sound theoretical backgrounds and provide opportunities for academic contributions.

Organizations grapple with the evolving landscape of advertising, heavily shaped by consumer empowerment and the tribalization of society. Digital technologies amplify phenomena such as conscious ad avoidance and heightened awareness of other peers’ consumption experiences via virtual communities, electronic word-of-mouth, or user-generated content. This leads not only to a fragmented advertising consumption landscape but also a hightened involvement of consumers in the creation of marketing (communication) value. Related challenges include reaching consumers effectively and efficiently amid social media storms and value co-destruction. Understanding the dynamics of the above-mentioned phenomena becomes crucial, yet often unmet by organizations, causing tensions between consumers and brands.

Despite the socially constructed virtual world contemporaneous with humanity, due to digitalization it exponentially influences and dominates our life. The main research scope is to map the complex consumer behaviour regarding goods with virtual content (GwVC). In addition, the research stream covers the factors explaining the underlying needs for GwVC, the values consumers seek when consuming them, the special consumption patterns the field generates and the investigation of how the virtual world influences the way we approach marketing.

The economic importance of design is constantly growing and has become an emerging asset of competitive advantage, so as to approach novel, fresh scientific questions. Our program is based on a locally developed approach to design: designcommunication, DIS:CO. In other words, creating connections and doing research as designing.

Our doctoral research initiative aims to connect academia and business practice, science and application, and theory and practice in real-time. Participants under our supervision work in two roles: as researchers and designers. Our doctoral students may create a new “product” – be it a practical framework, operating system, business model, service, visual identity, or a genuine physical product – according to their ambition. Relating to this creative process, they investigate either the design and innovative process, managerial or application decision-making, or practical-theoretical fit of the novelty in scientific rigour. 

The research group aims to explore how technology based on AI will change the production and use of services in the future. The basic premise of our research is that AI rearranges the entire process of consumer decision-making in all phases. At the same time, companies’ marketing strategies are transforming; the changing role of the frontline, and the quality and quantity of customer data and processing algorithms will be key factors of future business. Meanwhile, these processes must be conducted in such a way that both customers and the employees within the company consider these processes to be humane and people-centered in line with the Digital Humanism Initiative. 

Co-cre8 is a dynamic research group dedicated to exploring the intersection of value co-creation, customer knowledge, and digital transformation within the realm of marketing. Focusing on collaborative approaches, they delve into how businesses and consumers can mutually generate value through interactive and digital channels. Through their interdisciplinary and multimethod approach, Co-cre8 aims to generate new knowledge and uncover insights that drive forward-thinking theories for the marketing academic debate.

The emotional attachment to brands has loosened just as much as the human bonds have changed in the past decade.  Brands are doing their best to develop an attractive brand identity, focusing on shared values, positive customer experiences, personalize their services, communication and even use storytelling hoping that it will resonate with consumers. In this research we aim to unmask the human behind the consumer by understanding the multifaceted nature of their emotional attachments to people, brands, social platforms, and the cross-cultural environment.

This topic blends cutting-edge digital marketing strategies with a nuanced understanding of behavioural science. We will delve into how emerging technologies (such as AI-driven analytics and virtual reality, or neuromarketing) are reshaping consumer behavior and decision-making processes in the digital space. Candidates will have the unique chance to contribute to this cutting-edge research, exploring how these technological advancements can be leveraged to create more effective, ethical, and personalized marketing activities.

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Office: Building E room 235.

Please make an appointment by email before a personal consultation!

Corvinus University of Budapest

Dr. Zsófia Kenesei

Director of Doctoral Program

Corvinus University of Budapest

Brigitta Czumpf

PhD procedures expert - study affairs and thesis draft defence

Corvinus University of Budapest

Imre Fertő

Head of Doctoral School

Corvinus University of Budapest

Mónika Herman

PhD procedures expert - final dissertation submission and defence

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