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The Case of Industry 4.0 with Hungarian SMEs – Chapter by Róbert Marciniak, Péter Móricz and Krisztina Demeter

2022-04-04 10:32:26

The chapter was published in Industry 4.0 in SMEs Across the Globe.
Corvinus Épület

This chapter introduces the status of Hungary’s digitalization collecting international and Hungarian data, and describing official governmental efforts. Furthermore, using survey results from 93 companies, we analyze the barriers, drivers, and opportunities as seen by managers to provide company-level insights into the issue. Based on our results, Hungarian SMEs experience high costs, a lack of skilled employees, and the absence of innovation management as the highest barriers. Nevertheless, there are already some SMEs in Hungary taking the first steps or even advanced in Industry 4.0. The most advanced SMEs have an open and innovative culture. Compared to leading companies, however, Hungarian SMEs in general are still beginners in Industry 4.0. 

Marciniak, R., Móricz, P., & Városiné Demeter, K. (2021). The Case of Industry 4.0 with Hungarian SMEs. In Industry 4.0 in SMEs Across the Globe (pp. 47–60). CRC Press; MTMT. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003165880-5 

Demeter Krisztina krisztina.demeter@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Operáció és Döntés Intézet / Ellátásilánc-menedzsment Tanszék
Egyetemi tanár, DSc / Professor, DSc
E épület, 132
Phone: +36 1 482 5551 • Ext: 5551
Dr. Móricz Péter peter.moricz@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Vezetéstudományi Intézet / Stratégiai Menedzsment Tanszék
Egyetemi Docens / Associate Professor
E épület, 105
Phone: +36 1 482 5548 • Ext: 5548
Dr. Marciniak Róbert András robert.marciniak@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Vezetéstudományi Intézet / Stratégiai Menedzsment Tanszék
Egyetemi docens / Associate Professor
E épület, 103
Phone: +36 1 482 5179 • Ext: 5179
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