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Sustainable research is the theme of the month in June

2024-06-07 11:34:00

After community actions in May, sustainability research will be the theme of the month in June.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

We organized a community planting event, painted together with the Tűzcsiholó Association at the Garden Party, reported on the importance of community action and attended the farmers’ market organized by our colleagues in May. In June, the theme of the month project will continue, exploring how these sustainability actions can be grounded in professional evidence and supported by academic research. 

On the opening day of Research Week, Monday 10 June, the ERS Hub will discuss the focus on sustainability in research strategy. We will work together on the alignment of the Sustainability Strategy and the Research Strategy, and we welcome the active participation of our colleagues. 

On Wednesday, there will also be a series of sustainability-related presentations, which we warmly invite you to attend. Alexandra Köves, PhD, will give a presentation on “The different shades of green”, but there will also be discussions on sustainability and innovation in tourism, the new ESG law and sustainable operations in banking. More details on the research week are available here. 

In the second half of the month, we will showcase the research that our students and colleagues are doing on campus to contribute to a more sustainable future. In line with the University’s strategy, the University aims to become an international centre of excellence for sustainability by 2030, including by producing scientific results that make a difference in addressing sustainability challenges. 

For the first time this year, 3 ERS TDK special prizes were awarded in connection with the Scientific Students’ Associations Conference. The long-term aim is to increase the number of ERS-focused and ERS-related papers and scientific publications. This year’s winners were Lilla Csorba Melinda, Flóra Agárdi and Zoé Borbála Ugvári. 

The winning students were selected by a four-member committee consisting of Zsuzsanna Marjainé Szerényi, Associate Professor of the Department of Sustainability Management and Environmental Economics, Gabriella Kiss, Associate Professor of the Department of Decision Sciences, András Ócsai, Assistant Professor of the Business Ethics Center and László Szabó, Head of the Regional Energy Economics Research Centre. We will report in detail on the three best papers soon.  

In addition to rewarding the TDK papers, the ERS Hub has also established an ERS Publication Excellence Award, which aims to increase publication activity and research capacity on sustainability/ERS topics, provide an organizational framework and encourage internal and external collaboration. The winner of the award was Gabriella Kiss this year, who achieved the 2023 aggregated CKK score. 

The award was proposed by a three-member committee consisting of Imre Fertő, from the Doctoral Schools related to ERS, Sándor Kerekes, as Emeritus professor related to ERS and Zoltán Szántó, as Vice-Rector for Research and member of the ERS hub steering committee. 

In May 2024, we relaunched the Sustainability Topic of the Month project, with the aim of presenting an interesting and relevant topic at Corvinus every month. In June, we will write about sustainability research in connection with Research Week and the ERS Hub TDK and Publication Awards. Corvinus events, activities and results related to the topic but not covered in this article are welcomed at mate.kovacs2@uni-corvinus.hu and will be added to the article.   

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