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Sustainability theme of the month returns in May with community participation

2024-05-02 14:37:00

Corvinus is re-launching its sustainability theme of the month project. In May, we will be focusing on the role of communities and the importance of collective action, with articles, events and activities.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Natural resources, including the air, water and soil that can absorb pollution of all kinds, are a common treasure of humanity and all living things on earth. They must be used with care and mutual consideration, but homo economicus, the human being assumed by mainstream economic models, is concerned only with his own interests and utility, and therefore overuses common resources. 

Over the last half century, there has been a lot of research on small communities that have been able to use the natural resources available to them properly and conserve them in the long term. Based on her research, Elinor Ostrom has compiled the following eight principles that can help communities to make good use of the resources they have: 

  • There are clearly defined boundaries between users and outsiders. 
  • There are clear rules for the expropriation and provision of common resources, adapted to local conditions. 
  • There are community agreements that allow users to participate in the decision-making process. 
  • There is an effective monitoring system, with inspectors who are members of the group or at least accountable to it. 
  • Penalties are gradual and proportionate to any breach of the rules established by the group. 
  • There are mechanisms to access group members and to resolve conflicts at low cost.  
  • Higher level authorities recognise the self-governance of the group.  
  • There is a nested set of organisations at different levels for larger common resources. 

The key to success in these cases is cooperation between community members, which is often portrayed in an unfavourable light in economic models. Moreover, cooperation is particularly difficult in large groups, so it is better to start in smaller groups, in smaller communities, where principles and rules are easier to establish and control. 

In May, the sustainability theme of the month will be the role of small communities in creating a more sustainable and ethical world. We will showcase different good examples and invite all university citizens to events where we can experience the role and power of communities. Together. 

Programme guide for community sustainability and social responsibility action at Corvinus in May (programme will be updated throughout the month): 

4 May, Saturday, 10:00 – Social Impact Award Info Day  

The Social Impact Award is a social entrepreneurship idea competition, organised by Impact Hub Budapest in cooperation with Corvinus Science Shop at the Gellért Campus.  


7 May, Tuesday, 9:30 am – Corvinus Produce Market 

This time the event will take place in the lobby of building E, with new and established producers bringing their products. 


8 May, Wednesday, 17:20 – Workshop: how a large company can obtain a B Corp certification for socio-environmental impact 

Why does it pay for a large company to get a B Corp certification? Beáta Várkonyi, Director of Corporate Relations for Danone in Central and Eastern Europe, answers the questions. 


15 May, Wednesday – Community planting for colleagues 

From this year onwards, the University will be ordering more sustainable compost instead of traditional potting soil, and we will be organising a community planting event. As well as planting together, visitors will be able to learn about the Science Shop’s LOESS research project on soil health. 

Event coming soon 

Mid-May – ERS Hub Agora (exact date coming soon) 

The ERS Hub Agora, the university platform on ethics, social responsibility and sustainability, will be organised again. This time, we are inviting students, student organisations and professional colleges to join us to explore together how the university can be more sustainable and what projects should be launched in the autumn semester to achieve this goal. 

Event coming soon 

23 May, Thursday, 17:00 – Staff Garden Party 

This year’s staff party will once again be a chance for University staff to support a community partner. The Tűzcsiholó Association, which supports families of parents raised in a children’s home, is planning an experiential painting program where we can work together to create a more socially sustainable future. 



Corvinus events and activities related to the theme but not listed here are welcome at mate.kovacs2@uni-corvinus.hu and will be added to this article. 

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