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Specialisation selection period

2024-05-16 15:53:00

You will have the opportunity to choose your specialisation in the neptun system from 21 May 2024.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

You will have the opportunity to choose your specialisation in the neptun system from 21 May 2024.* In order to help you choose a specialisation, each specialisation coordinator/institution will organize a briefing, to find out which specialisation is the most suitable for you and will also explain the conditions for entry. You can find out more about the entry criteria in the training programme. 


Applications can be submitted via neptun  

from 21.05.2024 (Tuesday) 12:00 to  

26.05.2024 (Sunday) 23:59: 

Neptun -> Administration -> Module selection -> Choose semester -> Listing 

After listing, rank the specialisations and submit. 

Please note that not all study programmes require specialisation selection. Also if there is a compulsory subject in the current semester that is a prerequisite for admission to a specialisation (regardless of whether you have already taken or passed such a subject), you will only find out which specialisation you have been admitted to, after you have passed the semester exams. 

If you want to change your specialisation after one semester, you can request a change once by filling out the “D201-Request for specialisation change” form. 

*The process is different for the students on BSc Business and Management, you can find out more about this on Moodle! 

You can find out more about the specialization selection period here. 

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