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Free online preparatory course for the International Economy and Business MSc programme

2021-04-14 13:07:00

The Corvinus’ Department of World Economy is organizing a completely free of charge online preparatory course

The Corvinus’ Department of World Economy is organizing a completely free of charge online preparatory course for the International Economy and Business MSc programme. The programme objects to acquaint students with the micro- and macroeconomic – , international business and financial relationships and processes, as well as with the relationship between global and regional institutions. The course will be of major interest for all International Economy and Business MSc programme applicants, as it is a preparation for them to entry into the field of international economic analysis and international business decision-making processes. All other students are welcomed as well.


The program aims to acquaint students with the micro- and macroeconomic – , international business and financial relationships and processes, as well as with the relationship between global and regional institutional cycles. The program prepares students for entry into the field of international economic analysis and international business decision-making processes.

The entrance exam for the International Economy and Business MSc programme is an interview assessing the applicants’ motivations and knowledge in international economics, therefore the course will be a great advantage for anyone who would like to apply. Further information about the application and entrance exam process can be found following this link. 

Date of the event: 27 April, 3PM – 5.30 PM CET

Platform: Microsoft Teams

Application to the course:
a) For Corvinus University students: please, follow this link to be added to the Teams group
b) Non-Corvinus students: please send an email to Gábor Vigvári (gabor.vigvari@uni-corvinus.hu) until April 22nd

What to expect:

  • Information about the entrance exam
  • Quick overview about the material and topics of the online interview
  • Q&A 
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