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Doctoral Schools admission starts soon!

2021-03-23 10:57:04

Get your PhD at Corvinus!

Want to be one of the best in your favorite field? Get your PhD at Hungary’s number one university in economics and social sciences! The application period for the Corvinus Doctoral Schools is approaching, find out the most important information and find out why you should apply!

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More new features are waiting for you!

This year, the range of opportunities offered by Corvinus Doctoral Schools will be expanded with several new elements. As part of your two-way doctoral program, you should apply not only if you are involved in research professionally, but also if you want to be an even greater expert in your work. In addition to state scholarship, we also support our most talented doctoral students with the Corvinus Doctoral Scholarship.

You can choose from four doctoral schools according to your field of study:

  • Doctoral School of Business and Management,
  • Doctoral School of Economics, Business and Informatics,
  • Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science,
  • Doctoral School of Sociology and Communication Science.

For more information, see our Study Guide!

Apply in a few easy steps!

The application period begins on April 15, 2021 and runs through April 30, 2021. All you have to do is send the necessary documents to the form that opens at the beginning of the application period and transfer the fee for the admission procedure if the general admission requirements are met.

Click on our admission page for exact details!

Don’t miss out on the most important new information!

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