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Corvinus’ team won the Hungarian Danube Cup 

2022-05-09 12:12:19

The Hungarian finals of the Danube Cup startup competition for students were held on April 29, at building Q of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics to decide who can participate in the international finals in late May. 

The preliminary attracted a large audience, where two Corvinus and two BME team were chosen winners, and so they will travel to Vienna to compete in the international semi-final on 12 May. From there, one team per university will advance to compete for the Danube Cup trophy. 

Members of the Hungarian panel of judges: Lénárd Horgos (chair), Absolvo Consulting Kft.; Mike Rabinowitz, Citibank Senior VP; Gábor Dehelán, Startup Business Launchpad; Bence Marosi, DynamO Pricing CEO; Péter Ditrich, HiVentures Investment Director.  

  • 1st place: Charitask (Corvinus) 
  • 2nd place, tied: TrivadorEDU (BME) and Lumen (BME) 
  • 3rd place: DES (Corvinus) 


Charitask aims to make volunteer events more transparent and effective including organizing efforts and recruiting. The team intends to create a platform presenting both volunteers and organizations. While they entered the competition as a BCE team, members are now students at various universities in Europe. In December 2021, the Charitask team participated in Corvinus’s Innofest event, which was organized to encourage business creation. The team won the Innofest final and was invited to the preliminary round of the Danube Cup competition. We were delighted to see how much effort the team put in the development of their business idea since December— at the competition on Friday, they presented a professional pitch to the audience.  


DES (Smart Home Distributed Energy System) aims to combine the technology already available in smart homes with a new module to reduce the energy use and energy costs of properties. Buffer tanks and hot water tanks developed by DES and the ceiling cooling system can store 1000 liters of water altogether and can store energy as cold and hot water for up to 12 hours. In addition, DES allows properties to purchase energy in bulk, at a better price.  

All 4 teams received valuable prizes and were invited to the international finals of the Danube Cup, which will be held at the end of May as part of the Entrepreneurship Avenue competition of WU Wien and the ViennaUP! festival organized by the city of Vienna. Their travel and accommodation costs will be covered by the Danube Cup project.  

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Dream it. Want it. Build it.  

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