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Corvinus researcher Virág Ilyés won a Junior Prima Award

2024-12-04 09:45:00

This year's Junior Prima Awards were handed over to ten talented young scientists in the "Hungarian Science" category. Before Virág Ilyés, in the 18-year history of the award, only two other economists have received the award.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

At the ceremony held in the building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on 2 December, a Corvinus researcher was recognized for the first time this year: Virág Ilyés, researcher of the Corvinus CIAS research centre. The awardees for their outstanding work received the awards presented for the 18th time this year from Dr. Levente Sipos-Tompa, President and CEO of the Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) and Ildikó Zátrok, Managing Director of MFB. 

The Prima Primissima Foundation and MFB established the “Hungarian Science” category of the Junior Prima Award in 2007. The award is given to scientists under the age of 33 who significantly contribute to the development of Hungarian science through their outstanding scientific work, international achievements, educational and community-building activities. The young talents were selected again this year by a professional committee convened at the request of MFB: besides economist Virág Ilyés, three doctors, two physicists, one biologist, one chemist, one meteorologist and one historian each. The full list can be found on the MFB website. In the Junior Prima “Hungarian Science” category, MFB supports the winners with HUF 3-3 million.  

We interviewed Virág Ilyés last year on the occasion that she was awarded the opportunity to lecture Tamás Roska in her field at OTDK, the article can be read here 

Congratulations to Virág Ilyés and all the winners! 

In the group photo, Virág Ilyés is second from left in the front row. 

Source and photo: MFB 

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