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Corvinus expands its offer with executive programmes for practitioners

2023-10-02 16:05:00

The Corvinus University of Budapest introduces a new type of programme this autumn The primary consideration in developing the ever-expanding programme portfolio was to ensure that it provides knowledge that is relevant to real market needs.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

The first programmes will start in October, but offer expands on an ongoing basis; with the current offer available at the Corvinus website. Courses can be taken while working and focus on two areas: on the one hand, they develop key competences that are essential in the current labour market, and on the other hand, they offer in-depth skills that are highly valued by the market.  Classes are delivered in blocks, face-to-face, and participants will receive a certificate of successful completion of the programme from Corvinus University in the official adult education data system, which will be of outstanding value in the labour market. 

There are currently five executive programmes in Hungarian and four in English. Ranging from one-day courses to semestrial programmes, most of them can be completed quickly while working. Currently, the Corvinus programmes in Hungarian include Sustainability Communication Strategies, Artificial Intelligence in the Economy, Crisis Management and Reputational Risks, Design Thinking and Design Communication (product, business and identity development programme) and Internal Control Systems Expert training. The English-language executive programmes of Corvinus already include Agile Project Management, Advanced Negotiation Skills, Self-Management, and the Role of Intercultural Intelligence in Project Management.  

Corvinus is also open to the specific needs of companies in the professional design of its programmes: if a company wishes to have one of the executive programmes of Corvinus in a particular field of expertise, the university is flexible in the content, focus, length and timing of the programme. 

Corvinus wishes to step up its portfolio of lifelong learning courses by introducing executive programmes. We have again developed our offer to the usual Corvinus high standard, and we are constantly updating it. Any active specialist who wants to improve their knowledge and skills through executive programmes should regularly visit our website and check the range of programmes available. We are particularly interested in hearing from former students – whether they have completed a bachelor or master’degree – who want to update their knowledge  and complement their studies. We also welcome applications from companies that require specific training, for which we can develop educational programmes according to their needs,” said Patrick Bohl, Dean of Executive and Specialist Postgraduate Programmes at Corvinus. 

More information about the current range of programmes and how to apply can be found on the Corvinus website here: https://www.uni-corvinus.hu/post/landing-page/executive-kepzesek-a-corvinuson/ 

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