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CEMS Club Budapest

Welcome to CEMS. Welcome home

CEMS Global Allience consists of 33 high ranked universities, 70+ multinational companies and 7 NGOs and together they provide CEMS Master’s in International Management (CEMS MIM), which is one ofthe most popular and exclusive master degree programs in management. Corvinus University of Budapest became member of the CEMS alliance in 1996. Since then the Faculty of Business Administration selects continuously increasing CUB students as participants and greets 15-20 exchange students from the partner universities. CEMS Club Budapest was officially founded 2000 by 37 participating members. Since then the Club aims at building a local CEMS network via enriching the CEMS experience for students, Corporate Partners, Alumni and the academia.


Website: www.cemsclubbudapest.com


There are a lot of great opportunities to enjoy student life in Budapest! We go out together to have parties, play lasertag, bowling or cook for ourselves during the memorable running dinners. Regular events are the CEMS Winter Camp, Summer Camp, Christmas Ball and Career Forum. Concerning the professional activity, there is a regular contact with the Corporate Partners: Rotation Dinners, lectures and skill seminars are just a few examples for the cooperation.

Informations for new members

Who are we looking for?
The CEMS programme is open to all full time master students at Corvinus Business School and the full-time MBA students at Corvinus MBA Center.

Why should you apply?
In order to provide a unique and professional experience for our members and to support their integration, CEMS Club Budapest is organizing numerous social and academic activities. Furthermore, a watchful eye is already kept on the young generation and work on recruiting the best bachelor students and get them involved. Those who have ever attended any of the programs which were organized, could personally experience the added value of CEMS. It is sure that no one of them doubts that CEMS is more than just an exchange semester, more than a study program and more than a shiny international degree. CEMS means international network and a life-long community.

How to apply?
The admission procedure consists of two rounds. An applicant is enrolled upon the successful completion of all of both rounds of the procedure. For further information about please visit the official website of CUB (www.uni-corvinus.hu) > Programs > CEMS Master’s in International Management. 

Organizational Structure

There are 10 positions in the management board of CEMS Club Budapest:
Top Management:
Student Board Representative (Vice President)
Treasurer (Vice President)

Middle Management:
Corporate Representative
Head of Public Relations & Communication
PR & Communication Representative
Social Representative
CSR Representative
Alumni Representative
Career Forum Party Manager
Project leaders (on an occasional basis)

For a more detailed description of the positions please visit our website and check out the ‘Meet The Board’ page!

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