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Other academic costs

Administrative fees

Late registration for a given semester: if the student doesn’t register for the the given semester until the previously given deadline, the Dean responsible for the program can permit its late submission. The fee of the submission is 2000 HUF.
Missing any other responsibility specified by the Regulations Student Fees and Benefits, especially choosing a specialization, missing the course registration period with necessary change, late submission of certificates, can be made up for by paying 4% of the minimum wage (either per every new week, every, per each occasion or per each case depending on the specific case). Please note that set deadlines apply depending on the type of missed responsiblity.        


The submission of the request is subject to a fee.
Request to change status (active/passive) for a given semester outside of the registration period is 2 000 HUF/request
The submission fees of other requests are defined as a percentage of the minimum wage. These include requests for changing programs or specializations, equities, or requests for late submission of the thesis.        

Fees pertaining to subjects and exams

Retaking an exam for the firts time of a give course is free of charge  (it doesn’t depend on the number of taking the course). The fee of every other exam is 2 000 HUF/occasion. The fee of the retake exam is transcribed and paid by the student. If the fee is not paid, you can’t go to the next exam.
The fee of retaking a comprehensive exam, complex exam, or basic exam is 4 000 HUF, the first retake of Thesis Defense is 10 000 HUF, all subsequent retakes: 50 000 HUF.

Not appearing for an examination for which the student is officially registered (“missed examination”), the student must pay 3000 HUF, it will appear in the system after the missed exam

State scholarship and part-time scholarship students – except for students taking part in the program for Hungarians from beyond the border – not-achieved courses the student was registered has a fee after the end of the semester. In case of courses in Hungarian 1 500 HUF/credit, in case of courses in foreign language 3 000 HUF/credit, but maximum 40.000 HUF/semester.

State and part-time scholarship students and self-supporting students who started their studies in or after the 2014/2015 academic year can exceed the total required credit number by ten percent without paying a fee. For couses completed in addition to that a 2500 HUF/credit tuition fee has to be paid per each course.

Retaking a failed Phys Ed course because of “not signed” result  costs 2 000 HUF, taking the PE criteria course outside of the curriculum costs 5 000 HUF/occasion. The latter is transcribed by the student and transcribing the item and paying the fee are required to register the course.

Student ID card

Application for a Student ID card is free of charge at the Government Office. However if your card gets lots/damaged or stolen after re-applying you will need to pay 3500 HUF for a new Student ID sticker.

Fees pertaining to the replacement and certification of documents pertaining to studies (Transcripts, certificates, true copies of official documents)

The fees of replacement documents are the following: issuing the course registration book, a true copy of the diploma and the true copy of the diploma supplement costs 10 000 + 2000 HUF, while an English or Hungarian language transcript (except for the first free copy during the semester) costs 600 HUF and the German language transcript costs 600 HUF. Issuing a certificate in Hungarian is free of charge and in English or German is 600 HUF.

The first copy of certifying the Diploma Supplement is 1900 HUF, all subsequent copies 1100 HUF / copy.

Fees pertaining to students studying in the non-Hungarian degree programs

Late submission of the Internship Report or the Thesis Work:  within max. 5 weekdays after
official deadline for submission, is 4% of the minimum wage rounded to 100 HUF/day.

Transcipt original: 1st copy – free of charge, all subsequent copies: 600 HUF/ copy        

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