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We help you to pass the GMAT and NMAT international tests with ease

2024-01-25 08:46:00

This year we're introducing a new element to the Master's degree admission process, you'll need to complete an international test to apply. We are preparing two online events where you can understand how the GMAT and NMAT interfaces work.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

GMAT event 

5 February 13:00-14:00 

You can register for the event at this link: 

GMAT registration link

NMAT event 

8 February 12:00-13:00 

You can register for the event at this link: 

Registration link NMAT

If you graduate from Corvinus with a diploma graded at least „Good”, you do not need to take an international test, you are guaranteed a Corvinus Scholarship (except for courses with different admission criteria: the English Management and Leadership, Teacher of Economics and MBA programmes).

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