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Vote for the Teacher of the Semester!

2021-05-14 07:29:42

The Students’ Union organizes the Teacher of the Semester Election each semester, where the students can vote on their favorite teachers and employees, expressing their gratitude for their yearlong hard work.

The Students’ Union organizes the Teacher of the Semester Election each semester, where the students can vote on their favorite teachers and employees, expressing their gratitude for their yearlong hard work.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

 Both students and teachers wait this period eagerly. Filling out the form takes only a minute, but that minute can mean a great deal for a teacher. It is extremely important for our organization that our excellent teachers and university employees receive the appropriate recognition, that is why we organize the award ceremony.

It is the same scenario this year, the Nomination Period has already ended. More than 722 nominations (618 and 104) have come in the Hungarian and English forms total. The field was very close, nominations were coming in even moments before closing the form.

This year we hope that we can organize the upper mentioned elegant award ceremony for our teachers and university employees. The Voting Period starts on the 13th of May, where only the best of the categories can get into. 

The students’ of the university can nominate the winners until May 20 here

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