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Visit of Czech archivists in the University Archives

2023-06-05 16:18:50

The colleagues of the Palacký University of Olomouc were looking for good examples for the archives they are building.

On June 1st, 2023 PhDr. Renáta Klvačová and Mgr. Pavla Dubská, Ph.D., staff members of the Palacký University of Olomouc Archives (Archiv Univerzity Palackého v Olomouc) paid a professional visit to University Archives in Corvinus University of Budapest, where they were guided by the head of archives, Vilmos Zsidi and archivist Miklós Kalmár. 

The Czech colleagues came to Hungary as part of the Erasmus+ programme and looked for examples of good practices in their archive, which is currently being built. The reason why the BCE Archives was chosen is because the Palacký University and Corvinus University Archives are very similar in terms of the amount and time limit of the documents, as well as the staffing is almost the same. 

As part of the visit, the guests also viewed the University History exhibition. The two-member delegation was also received by Dr. Tamara Keszey, vice-rector for research, who supervises the archives. The program extended well beyond the planned time frame. The participants came to the conclusion that it would be worthwhile to continue the exchange of professional experience useful to both parties, now in the Czech Republic at the Palacký University Archives. 

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