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Van Pottelsberghe: New Perspectives Enrich Corvinus

2024-12-10 15:55:00

"Corvinus is a bit of a hidden gem; a national champion that isn’t as widely recognized abroad as it should be," says Corvinus rector in an interview with News Tank Academic, a French news agency focusing on higher education.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

In the conversation, the leader of Corvinus outlines the university’s main goals, discusses the similarities and differences between the Belgian and Hungarian higher education systems, and speaks about the organizational changes. The rector also shares insights on the advantages and challenges of having a foreign expert at the helm of Corvinus. 

The full interview, available in English, was published in Mid-November and can be read here after a free registration. 

News Tank Academic is an international offer of the French specialised news agency News Tank Education et Recherche, based in Paris, with a permanent presence in Brussels as well as Berlin, focusing on the higher education of Europe. Their entire value chain also includes an online magazine, a TV, and events such as conferences.

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