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Trial access to SciVal database is started

2023-09-20 10:50:00

The trial is running from 18 September 2023 for 6 weeks.

SciVal database provides access to the research performance of over 24,100 research institutions and their associated researchers, from 234 nations worldwide. It visualizes individuals and institutions’ research performance. The database is based on output and usage data from Scopus, data are available from 1996 to current date.  

The trial is running from 18 September 2023 for 6 weeks. Access is available via IP-range at https://scival.com/ for the whole Corvinus community.  

Remote access requires individual registration. If you are interested in it, please e-mail us: szolg@uni-corvinus.hu  

During the trial the university will have access to all 6 modules, namely: Overview, Benchmarking, Collaboration, Trends, Grants and Impact modules. In case of a future subscripton the 1st 4 will be available.  

The representative of the company provides an English-language introductory training session online:  

Date and time: 21 September, 2 p.m. Platform: Zoom  

Topics included: 


  1. Introduction 
  2. SciVal overview: data sources, indicators, modules, use-cases 
  3. Institutional profile overview 
  4. Rankings Data in SciVal 
  5. Research And Funding Trends Analysis 
  6. Collaborations and Impact 
  7. Benchmarking, comparisons 
  8. Q&A 


Zoom link: https://elsevier.zoom.us/j/93419550022?pwd=VWFocnBqdlFVUEdKV0U2Y0lidXE3UT09  

Meeting ID: 934 1955 0022 

Passcode: 689219 


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