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This year, Studium Generale will again organise a Spring Camp for students preparing for admission 

2023-02-28 15:58:16

The Spring Camp of Studium Generale is being organised this year with the support of Corvinus.

The Spring Camp is a one-week long, free, intensive school-leaving examination preparation programme, which, like the student organisation Studium Generale, goes back more than 50 years. The aim of the members of the organisation is to provide fun activities to complement the learning and to help ensure that students have an unforgettable experience. 

The camp is scheduled during the spring break of the school year, in order not to interfere with school studies. Students preparing for their final school-leaving exams are free to choose one or two subjects to study during the camp. The students are split into groups of 4-5 students, with two volunteer teachers working intensively with them twice a day for four hours, in preparation for the school-leaving exams at theoretical and practical level. 

 Volunteers devote several weeks to preparing for the camp, in order to cover as much of the material included in the exam as possible, to provide the best pedagogical support and to offer the best possible help to the students. 

At the end of the camp, students can take a mock exam to test their knowledge and give a realistic idea of their level of proficiency. They can take this mock exam in one or two subjects. In addition to lessons, they can listen to lectures summarising a number of topics from the subjects they studied, which greatly contribute to a complex understanding of the subject matter, which is a key focus of the school-leaving exams. 

The small group sizes allow the lessons to be more informal. This allows for a much more direct relationship between the teacher and the student than in a traditional education system, and makes it easier for students to pose questions.  

In addition to preparation, the programmes provide a lifelong community experience. The events include awareness-raising activities, with students having the opportunity to attend optional lectures on interesting topics. In recent years, students have been exposed to topics that enrich their general education, such as learning methods, economic policy, career guidance and sustainable development. 

They can also participate in sports competitions. Football is the most popular, with teachers and students often playing with or against each other, reinforcing the community-building spirit of the camp. In the evenings, team competitions that bring the whole camp together 

The camp also provides support for disadvantaged students, thus helping them to catch up with their peers. 98% of Spring Camp participants are accepted into a higher education institution, and 76% are admitted to their preferred institution. 

There is no doubt that the Spring Camp is a great opportunity for school leavers, both in terms of academic studies and community. For years, the participating students have been talking about their experiences and memories, also as students at Corvinus University. The members of Studium Generale are grateful to the University for supporting the organisation of the camp this year. 

Photo after the camp closing football match with the students, where sections swap jerseys to show solidarity. 

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