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The Senate approved the Corvinus Institutional Development Plan for 2024-2027

2024-03-07 08:40:00

The Commitee decided on the strategic document at its meeting on February 29th.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

At the beginning of the meeting, Lajos Szabó Acting Rector praised the achievements of Tamara Keszey, outgoing Vice-Rector for Research, in the field of research development and organisation over the past two years. Lajos Szabó highlighted the significant increase in prestigious (Q1, Q2, and D1) publications, the revitalization of international grant activity, the establishment of the ERGO office, and the development of a research strategy created with broad involvement and unanimously approved by the Senate. The Acting Rector noted that Tamara Keszey’s academic research commitments mean that she is unable to continue in her executive role. President Anthony Radev added that Tamara Keszey, who was appointed as a university professor last year, is an excellent example of how leadership does not impede the fulfilment of an academic career. 

The Senate only discussed a single agenda item; the previously announced briefing on the work plan of the university’s cultural development project had to be postponed because the tender for consulting services had not yet concluded. 

The University’s Institutional Development Plan (IDP) for the period 2024-2027 was presented by President Anthony Radev. The Senate had previously received preliminary information about the content of the IDP and related sub-strategies, but the final submission had to await the supporting decision from the maintainer regarding the allocation of targeted development funds within the budgetary framework. In his summary, the President emphasized that the development of the strategic document was preceded by nearly a year of preparatory work, involving comprehensive consultations with all institutes, organizational units, and feedback was incorporated into the text. 

A novelty of the document is that it is complemented by various sub-strategies (education, research, internationalisation, talent management). The President emphasised that the first phase of the university’s renewal and the period of major organisational changes have ended, and now the focus can shift towards substantive work. He added that the strategic direction remains unchanged; the aim is still to build a globally recognised, regionally outstanding, and excellently functioning university where student development is at the forefront.  

According to Gábor Toronyai, it is untenable that amidst increased performance expectations, the IDP lacks specifics regarding the financial resources necessary for salary catch-up, rendering the remuneration-related statements mere general promises. 

In his response, Lajos Szabó emphasised that the IDP is a strategic framework document to be interpreted alongside related sub-strategies and referenced regulations. The elaboration of specific goals and directions can be found in the Remuneration Policy, which provides the answer to Gábor Toronyai’s question. Zsuzsanna Csentericsné Arnold, Head of HR, added that the Remuneration Policy clearly sets out that by 2030, the university aims to ensure that the income of staff in academic positions reaches internationally competitive levels, while the salary levels of staff in academic and professional support areas align with the median values of reference salaries in the domestic competitive sphere. Steady steps have been taken since 2020 to achieve this, and the catching-up process continues. In order to achieve this objective, the annual level of remuneration and the timetable for adjusting it to the reference salary level of the labour market, which differs for the academic and academic service and professional service areas, are decided by the Presidential Committee on the basis of a proposal from the Maintainer, which adopts the Annual Salary Development Policy. The decision takes into account the results of the analysis of internal salary data corresponding to the job levels of the university, labour market benchmarks assignable to individual job profiles, comparative salary information, and the salary development opportunities defined in the financial plan.  

President Anthony Radev added that colleagues who meet international expectations and deliver outstanding performance already experience significant growth in their salaries and annual incomes compared to the average. 

The Senate adopted the University’s Institutional Development Plan for the period 2024-2027, which is available on the website and on the Intranet under Regulatory Documents (Plans, strategies), with 23 votes in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention. 

In his closing remarks, Lajos Szabó thanked all the colleagues who participated in the drafting of the document and expressed their opinions, and wished all staff members persevering work and creative joy in the realization of the institutional goals set. 

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