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The Maintainer will issue an international call for applications for the rector’s position

2023-07-06 11:32:00

The Acting Rector of Corvinus will be Prof. Dr. Lajos Szabó until the successful conclusion of the international competition.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

The Board of Trustees of the Maecenas Universitatis Corvini Foundation, the maintainer of the Corvinus University of Budapest, decided at its last meeting to launch an international call for applications for the rector’s position following the departure of Prof. Dr. Előd Takáts. For the competition period, which is expected to last until the end of 2023, the University has asked Prof. Dr. Lajos Szabó, Vice Rector General of the University, to act as rector ad interim. 

The Acting Rector will be responsible for completing the ongoing projects related to the academic renewal of the University by the end of the year. This includes a number of processes aimed at strengthening teaching and research excellence, such as the evaluation of the academic career cycle and the renewal of the model, the review of the bachelor and master programme portfolio, the development of the research strategy, the further implementation of the Synthesis programme and the preparations for putting the Ménesi Campus into service. 

The Foundation will provide all possible support to ensure the successful completion of these projects and the progress of the renewal of Corvinus University of Budapest.  


Maecenas Universitatis Corvini Foundation 

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