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The leading universities in the business and management area will be virtual guests of Corvinus

2021-04-01 14:23:37

The Central European Case Competition @Corvinus (CECC) is an inviting business strategy case-solving competition for undergraduate students, bringing in students from the world’s leading business and economics courses.

The Central European Case Competition @Corvinus (CECC) is an inviting business strategy case-solving competition for undergraduate students, bringing in students from the world’s leading business and economics courses.

Teams of four solve two complex business strategy cases and present them to a jury of practicing business people.

The cases demand students to solve the business strategic problems of companies active in the Central and Eastern European region. This year, MVM and Yusp provide the two cases.

The CECC competition is held annually in collaboration with faculty from the Corvinus Institute of Business Administration and Case Solvers, for the third time this year, April 8-14. As last year, so this year it wil be held in virtual space.

– emphasized Miklós Kozma, the academic director of the competition.

All interested university citizens who would like to watch the live finals are welcome.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem


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