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The first Corvinus-edited issue of Public Finance Quarterly has been published

2023-07-25 04:03:00

In April 2023, the ownership of Public Finance Quarterly has been transferred from the State Audit Office of Hungary to Corvinus University of Budapest, and the latest issue of the journal, the first Corvinus-edited one was published with a renewed design, but in the same high quality as before.

The journal has a nearly seven-decade old history. It was first owned and published by the Ministry of Finance, then by the State Audit Office of Hungary, and the ownership rights has been transferred to Corvinus in April 2023. The Public Finance Quarterly pursues the primary goal of providing a credible picture on the financial systems, the main features of the operations of public sector and national economy, the efforts to catch up with economically developed countries and build future and on the related professional debates. Another goal is to achieve that the professional results as published in our periodical are utilized as much as possible, promote the spreading of a better financial culture, provide solid foundations for decision-making in the fields of financial and economic policy and contribute to “good governance”. 

The new editor-in-chief of the journal is Prof. Dr. János Lukács, Professor and Head of Department at the Institute of Accounting and Law and former President of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors. 

The University’s priority is also to ensure that the journal gets as a good position as possible in the national and international journal rankings, supporting both the academic career of talented researchers and the reputation of the University. 

The Editor-in-Chief’s foreword is a good guide to the diverse content of the latest issue and the future goals of the journal, which are reinforced by the greetings of previous and current owner of the journal. Readers can also read content related to two of Corvinus University’s eminent academics, in the form of a review of Tamás Bánfi’s latest book and an interview on János Száz’s 70th birthday. 

For any questions about the journal, please contact us at penzugyiszemle@uni-corvinus.hu 

Contents of issue 2023/2: 




Book review: 


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