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The country’s first Eurasian research center was established

2021-03-17 13:15:09

Cohesion, cultural diversity, a new world order - these will be explored.

Asia and the emergence of a new world order. Cohesion, cultural diversity, a new world order – these will be explored, among other things, at the new research center on Corvinus. In addition to roundtable discussions, collection of essays and program series, scholarships are also waiting for students, which we discussed about with Levente Horváth, the director of the Eurasia Research Center.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Levente Horváth: He graduated from Fudan University in Shanghai with a degree in tourism management, where he completed both Bsc and Msc courses with a honor of rector. He then participated as Hungary’s Consul General in Shanghai in the Hungarian-Chinese Relations, Eastern Opening and One Zone, One Way China initiatives. Later, at the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, he supported Hungarian-Chinese financial relations as head of the education department and then as chief adviser of the president.

If we think of Eurasia, an infinite, culturally and politically heterogeneous area comes to our mind for the first time. Asian countries seem distant, create uncertainty in many people, as other customs, different languages and other forms of government are present, about that less information reaches Hungary. Hungary’s first research center dealing specifically with Eurasia will start with programs, studies, a scientific journal and a podcast on Corvinus.

Getting to know and studying the world’s most populous and fastest-growing region is not only important in academic life, but can also affect everyday life, as much of the imported products and the impact on our lives come from Asia – hence one of Alibaba’s largest online webshop for young people a popular application called TikTok (discussed in more detail in this article), or just a variety of culinary innovations.

The center will also publish scientific research and regular publications to better familiarize the area. “At the beginning of the 21st century, more and more leading researchers and politicians are stressing that a new, multipolar world order is emerging – the Eurasian era – in which not just one country will rule the world, but even an entire region. This can be greatly influenced by several regions of China, Russia and Asia, which have undergone unprecedented development in recent decades, ”says Levente Horváth.

Education and opportunity for students

The educational significance of Asia is shown by the fact that fifteen Asian universities are already among the top fifty in the QS World University Rankings. “An important goal of the research center is to build as many connections as possible in higher education, which could later enable joint conferences, study tours and scholarships in undergraduate, master’s and doctoral training,” says Levente Horváth. The research center also participates in international research networks. Students can also get help with their dissertation or TDK studies.

Regular programs and studies on Asia

The Eurasian Roundtable is held monthly, with presentations by researchers, academics and experts in the field. The first presentation demonstrated the role of China in 21st century Eurasia, but there will also be interactive presentations on Russia, Japan, Central Asia and Southeast Asia. Online events are open to anyone interested after registration.

The research center also publishes a quarterly study volume entitled Eurasia Review. “With the volume of the study, we also emphasize that although there is research on Asia in Hungary, there is no unifying organization that would unite and communicate the results of the research in an understandable way,” says Levente Horváth. Studies can be submitted on the website of Corvinus University, which is also awarded a copyright fee by the research center. The first general-themed volume focuses on the rise of Eurasia, allowing researchers to submit their own material on a wide range of topics, from geopolitics to infrastructure to education.

We would also like to publish short, readable, comprehensible articles that we would display on popular online platforms to encourage readers to learn about the region. – emphasizes Levente Horváth. One such article is the short, informative article on the side of the world economy entitled The Rise of Eurasia: Real Growth Potential for Europe.

The next roundtable discussion is expected at the end of March, and in the meantime, here are some books worth reading if you’re interested in the extremely colorful culture of Eurasia:

  • Roger J. Davies – Osamu Ikeno: The Japanese mindset
  • Boyé Lafayette De Mente: The Chinese mind
  • Boyé Lafayette De Mente: The Korean mindset
  • Bruno Macaes: Dawn of Eurasia

You can currently access the Eurasia Research Center on Facebook, where you can find all the information about it. 

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